08 - Out Of Hand

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Leah's POV

„Do you ever get used to this?", I asked her.
She shrugged her shoulders. „Yeah, kinda."
„Shit I feel like I'm blind.", I said, closing my eyes hard.
„Oh baby.", she said and squeezed my thigh.
I inhaled at her touch and hoped she didn't notice.

She had always been my celebrity crush and she is on my „Celebs I'd fuck"-List, but I never thought I would actually get so close to her and now that I am, I really had a thing for her.

She put her hand back in her lap and we arrived at my rental apartment.
„Thank's for driving me home.", I smiled at her.
„You're welcome. Thanks for spending the evening with me.", she smiled and hugged me.
„My pleasure.", I said and inhaled her scent.

I got out of the car and watched it drive off. Everything about that night felt crazy, somehow.

I walked inside and smiled from ear to ear.

Jennifer's POV

When I arrived home it was already 11pm, so I hoped the Cocos were already asleep. I got back in and checked on them. I got to Emme first and gave her a kiss, then went to Max' room and kissed him too.

My beautiful babies.
I walked into my closet and changed into my big sleeping shirt, then walked to the bedroom.

Alex was on the bed, looking at his phone.
„Look look who's here.", he said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes annoyed. „Keep it."

„Who were you with?", he asked.
„The jewelry girl?", he made a face.
„Yes.", I said and walked to our bathroom to wash my face. I wasn't really into the mood of talking to him. He annoyed me just by sitting there.

When I was done washing, Alex came inside, wrapping his arms around me as I dried my face in front of the mirror.

„You still mad?", he asked and kissed my neck.
I tilted it to the side to give him better access.

„I don't know.", I said.
„You liked how I made you cum earlier, didn't you?", he talked against my neck and kissed it again.
„Mh.", I moaned, feeling turned on.

„I can do it again.", he smiled and trailed his hands down on the sides of my body, then stopped at my ass and grabbed it hard.

„Alex..", I whispered and closed my eyes for a moment.
„No.", he replied. „Call me papi." He wrapped one of his hands around my throat, forcing me to tilt my head back a little.

I felt a rush through my whole body and my knees got weak. I steadied myself with my hands on the sink.

„What do you want, baby?", he spoke in my ear, and pushed my shirt up, grabbing my ass then trailing his hands further down between my legs.

I inhaled shakily and whispered: „I want you to fuck me, papi."

He smirked at me through the mirror, then entered me. I groaned and felt a rush through my body.

„You're not gonna leave me.", Alex said while thrusting inside me.
I didn't say anything, just moaned because of the way he made me feel.
„Say it.", he demanded.

I looked to the side so that I didn't have to look at us in the mirror. He felt so good inside of me, but I couldn't answer his question because I wasn't sure.

„Come on, don't be such a stubborn bitch.", he said and pulled my ass even closer to him.
I whimpered at him being so deep.

„Talk.", he said and pinched my nipple hard.
„Ouch, Alex!", I yelled. That really hurt.

„You're never gonna leave me, right?", he kept on going. „We're too good together. And I still want that baby."

I couldn't believe him. That was it for me.

„No.", I just said.
Alex moved one hand around me to get to my clit. I whimpered.
„What?", he asked.
„I... can't... oh god... I can't do this anymore. Oh fuck.", I managed to say.  I was caught between hating him but loving the way he made me feel.

He grabbed my hair, that was in a ponytail, and pulled my head back roughly.
He was still inside of me but now it didn't feel good anymore.
„Alex stop. You're hurting me.", I said with my head tilted back so far, that his lips touched my ear.

„I won't. I'm gonna finish you, and you're
gonna like it and you're gonna beg for more.", he spoke into my ear.
„No.", I whimpered.
„Yes.", he said and began moving again.
I gasped.

„Please. Stop.", I whimpered quietly.
He wouldn't. His grip was tight but my hands were free. I reached between his legs and squeezed his balls hurtfully hard.

„Let me go.", I demanded.
„Fuck, bitch!", he yelled and let go of my hair. I used that to move forward so he'd slide out of me and I let go of his balls.
I turned around fast so he wouldn't get the chance to get a grip on my hips again.

He pushed me, then grabbed me and lifted me on the vanity.
„No, Alex. You need to stop!", I said as he was pushing my legs apart with a hurtful hard grip. He was about to enter me, but I lifted my knee, pushed him away and jumped off the vanity.

„Jennifer!", he yelled as I ran to the bathroom door.
He was faster than me and put his hand on the wall, right between me and the door, so I couldn't get out.

„Let me go.", I demanded once again.

„Not before we're done. Let me show you just how good we are.", he said and his lips almost touched mine.

He grabbed me between my legs. I slapped his face, ducked under his arm, opened the door and stormed out.

Leah's POV

I was woken up by my bell ringing annoyingly often and frequent knocks on my door.
It took me a minute to realize I wasn't dreaming.
I looked at my phone, it was 1:30 in the morning.

„Fuck!", I yelled and got up. It took me just a few steps to get to the door.

I looked through the door viewer and couldn't believe it. I opened up.
„Jennifer, what..?"
„Can I come in?", she asked. She had no make-up on, her hair was tied in messy pony tail and she had a troubled look on her face.

„Sure.", I said stepping to the side to let her in.

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