03 - The Meeting

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Leah's POV

It was the day of the days, Lucas helped me pick an outfit - a simple black dress and black heels - I had my laptop, paper, pens and some examples with me. I don't go into meetings unprepared, especially not this one.

I was early and waited outside until 10:20 then called the number I was told to.

„Hello, it's Leah Remini, I have an appointment at 10:30."
„Someone will pick you up, wait outside.", I was told.

I was picked up and brought inside. I tried to be my coolest self and calm my breathing down.
We entered her apartment. It was all beautiful and bright. Creme colored and white furniture and art made it a comfortable and really beautiful place. I was told to sit at the dining table and wait. From time to time someone walked through the living room, busy with something.

Then I heard Jennifer's voice.
„No it's just..."
She seemed to be on the phone because I could only hear her voice.
„What are you..? Listen Alex! Even if there's... no! Okay stop. ...... I'll have to go now."
She mumbled something I couldn't understand, then she entered the room.
She wore white sweatpants and a cropped matching sweater. Her hair was tied in a straight mid-high ponytail. She looked classy and elegant, despite wearing joggers.

I immediately got up.
„Hello Ms. Lopez.", I said and stuck my hand out to shake her hand.
She took it but said: „Hi. Please call me Jennifer. You're Leah, right?"

„Nice to meet you, Leah. Please, sit."

We sat down and she started talking.
„I really love your necklace and I'm looking for a special gift for Max' and Emme's birthday and the necklace you made got me an idea."

„It did?", I asked, because I couldn't think of anything else to say.
„Yes.", she smiled.

„I thought of matching jewelry for them with their initials. Something that would match the necklace you gave me. Maybe a necklace for Emme but I'm not sure about Max.", she said.
„Maybe.. maybe a necklace too, but a little different. A simple chain and a ring he could either hang on to it or wear as an actual ring. So he can decide."

She looked at me and smiled softly.
„You know what, I really like this idea."

I got my laptop, paper and pencils out, showed her some stuff I did and then I scribbled down some ideas and we worked on that.

I almost forgot who she was. I mean I didn't, but it was such an easy and fun work atmosphere with her. Our ideas matched and we got along so well. And when it comes to my jewelry I am a professional and I'm really passionate about it.

We got interrupted by my phone buzzing.
I looked at it and it was Lou, so I ignored it. She knew exactly where I was and this was one of her control calls. I silenced the incoming call and we kept on working.
Lou called again and again.

„You can pick up, you know that?", Jennifer said.
„No it's okay.", I mumbled.
„The display says ‚babe' so I guess it's important. Go ahead.", she said and raised her brows.
„I don't want to. She knows I'm here and she's trying to check on me.", I tried to pick nice words for her behavior.
„Oh. I know those kinda calls..", she said in a funny tone, raised her brows, clenched her teeth and then laughed.
Her laugh is so contagious, I had to laugh along with her.

She's so nice to be around and it felt like we clicked instantly. It was almost like we're friends. We continued with work. Lou gave up and stopped calling.

Suddenly Benny Medina walked in, said „Hi" to me and then told Jennifer that they need to leave now.

„Okay so, you'll work on some ideas and then we'll meet again? I'm not sure when I'll be in New York again. Would it be possible for you to come down to LA after I finished touring?", she said and got up.
„Yeah, sure, I can do that.", I immediately said, because I didn't have the guts to tell her that this is a lot to ask for. I got up too.

„Great! Do you think four weeks are enough time for you?", she asked.
„Yes.", I smiled.
„Then just contact us and we'll set a new date. Okay, I gotta go.", she said and walked out the door with a bunch of people, following her.

I packed my stuff and got out as well, watched by one of her security.

I inhaled deeply and tried to process what just happened.

Outside I checked my phone.
4 calls from Lou, 10 messages from her and one from Lucas. I rolled my eyes and checked the messages.

„Pick up!"
„Are you kidding me, what are you doing?"
„Leah what the fuck?"

And so on.
I called her back.

„Baby, you need to stop that!!", I said as soon as she picked up.
She tried to talk but I kept on going.
„I'm not cheating! I had a business meeting! You know that. And what did you think I'd go there and fuck J.Lo?"
I chuckled.
„Obviously not. You know what? You need to change. Please. I can't do this anymore.", I told her.
„But baby I...", she tried to say.
„No.", I said and hung up.

I know I didn't treat her the best way but months of her jealousy-shit-show made me like that.

When I got home she was at my front door, with my favorite food, sushi.

„I'm sorry.", she said. „I'm really trying. I'll do better, okay?"
I rolled my eyes playfully, shook my head and laughed. Then I put one arm around her and unlocked the door.
„Come inside, you crazy bitch."
She giggled and we kissed as soon as we were inside.

Lucas came out of his room.
„Leah! You gotta tell me how it went!"
Lou and I didn't stop, we walked towards my room as I started undressing her.
„Not now, Lucas.", I said without breaking the kiss while we got into my room and slammed the door shut.

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