61 - Christmas

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Jennifer's POV

It was Christmas Eve and Leah, Lucas and I prepared dinner. Occasionally Emme and Max would come by to help out. When Benny and his mom came I went upstairs to get ready, everybody else already was.

Before dinner, Benny got up and held one of his speeches. He said something about new beginnings, healing, discovering love again. Also about the importance of loving yourself. Leah and I held hands under the table and sometimes squeezed each other. After dinner we sat down in the living room, listened to Christmas music, sang along and cuddled. We talked about what moved us this year. It had something sacred to it.

Leah and I were cuddled up on the couch, she was leaning on me and I had my arms wrapped around her while her head rested on my chest and my chin rested on her head.

I inhaled her scent and started playing with her hair.
„Never have I had such a wonderful Christmas Eve.", Leah said to me. Everyone else was busy talking to reach other. „And it's not because everything is so beautifully decorated or because this is a pretty good life.", she continued, rose her upper body and turned it to face me. „It's because of you. I don't care where we are or what you have. It's you. And Emme and Max."

My heart started beating faster as she spoke
and I looked into her beautiful brown, warmth radiating eyes.

„Move in with us.", I simply said, as if asking for a bottle of water.
„What?", Leah looked surprised.
I smiled. „I know it's only been months and we had a bumpy start.. and it was bumpy in between.. but, I love you and I want you around all the time... so, would you?"

Leah smiled, then leaned in to kiss me softly.
„Of course I would.", she then said, still so close to my lips that they touched mine while she spoke.
„So yes?", I asked to make sure.
„Yes!", she said louder and I pulled her on top of me and hugged her tight, then pecked her lips over and over again. She giggled sweetly. I was overjoyed, she really said yes and I couldn't be any happier.

„What's up with you guys?", Benny asked.
We sat up straight holding each others hand, then looked at each other and smiled like fools.
„Leah's moving in.", I said. I didn't put the kids in front of an accomplished fact here. We've talked about that before or else I wouldn't have asked Leah such a question.

It was just two days ago, that Emme asked if Leah lives with us now and I told her that she lives in New York but is visiting. „Isn't that exhausting? Why doesn't she just live with us?", Emme asked and Max nodded: „Wouldn't  it be easier for both of you?" They said they love her and would think it'll be fun of she'd live here. I couldn't believe that they're so grown now to have such conversations. So because of that, I knew they're absolutely fine with it.

„Really??", Max asked.
„Yes papi.", I replied.
„Cool!!", he exclaimed and smiled.
Emme smiled at us too and Lucas sat there with an open mouth, while Benny raised his glass at us. „I'm happy for you.", he said and blew a kiss.

Leah and I looked at each other and shared another slow kiss.
„That was hot..", Lucas whisper-yelled and faned air in his face with his hand.
Leah threw a cushion at him and we all laughed. I don't recall the last time I've felt this happy.

„Now I'll be all alone in New York.", Lucas pouted and Leah got up to hug him.
„I'm sure we're gonna visit you many times. Can you do it alone? The apartment?", she said to him.
„I can manage that.", Lucas replied. „It's you I'm gonna miss like hell. You're my sister, you know?"
„I know.", Leah said and snuggled up closer to Lucas.

„Sorry for taking her, baby.", I said to him.
„You're the only one who's allowed to take her, honey. You're made for each other.", he replied and it almost brought tears to my eyes.

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