14 - Love, Jennifer

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Leah's POV

In the afternoon, all four kids came home, hugging Jennifer extra tight.

Jennifer explained who I am and told the kids that she, Max and Emme will be leaving for New York tomorrow, while Tashi and Ella would stay here until they move out. I could see it broke Jennifer's heart telling them. They all hugged and sobbed and I felt like I'm absolutely wrong being here with them.

My stuff came and I asked if I could go somewhere to work, so Jennifer showed me the guest room. I thought I'd give them some space.

Later on we all had dinner and I was happy that Benny stayed as well, so I didn't feel too much like I'm the odd one out.

After dinner I got back upstairs to work some more, then I took a shower.
I thought about what I am actually doing here. I'm taking a shower in Jennifer Lopez' house, who is now my close friend. Still hard to wrap my head around it.

I got out and dried my hair with a towel, then wrapped one around my body and walked out of the bathroom. I shrugged, because Jennifer was sitting on the bed and I didn't expect her, or anyone else, to be there.

„God, Jennifer!", I said placing my hand on my heart and jumped a little.
„Sorry. The kids are in bed now.", she said.
„Is it already that late?", I asked.
„It's 10.", she replied.

„When are we leaving?"
„Around 1. Our flight leaves at 2."
„That's much more pleasant than a 7am flight.", I smiled.

„I texted Alex.", Jennifer said.

I walked to the bed and sat next to her.
„I needed to tell him that we're leaving and that he has to move out within the next week."
„Oh I see. How did he respond?"

„He texted ‚Okay'"
„Wow.", I was shocked. „Men."
„Is it?", she asked.
„Yes! Not that women can't be assholes too, trust me, they can. But at least they talk."
„Hm.", she said.

Jennifer's POV

Suddenly I was well aware of the fact that she was naked under that very short towel she had wrapped around her body. I gulped and inhaled, because it made me feel antsy, somehow.

„I guess I'll go to bed.", I said and got up, before I could.. I don't know what.
„Okay. If you need anything.. you know."
„I do, thanks."

At the door I turned around. „Good night."
She was still on the bed. „Good night."

Leah's POV

When I woke up the next morning something was different. I rolled over and found Jennifer in my bed, sleeping peacefully.

I looked at her and began studying her face. Her beautiful forehead with that annoyingly perfect shaped hairline, her sweet snub nose and those rich, well formed and firm lips. I even admired her cheekbones and her bone structure in general.

„Why are you staring?", she asked in a raspy voice.

Oh god, she noticed!

„I was just.. uhm.. I..", I started getting hot and uncomfortable. „Why are you even here?"
I tried to shift focus.

„I'm sorry, I just didn't feel safe alone in that room. I couldn't sleep.", she said and opened her eyes just a little bit.

„So you came here."

„Looks like it.", she said and slightly smiled.

She stretched. „I'm gonna take a run before breakfast, wanna join me?"

„A run. BEFORE breakfast.", I scoffed. „No thanks."

„Come on, it's fun!"

„I thought you're not a morning person?"

„I'm not. I need my time. But I'm awake now, so.. Oh come on Leah!", she smiled and pouted a little.

How could I possibly say no to that face?

We went on a run around her house and it was awful.

„You're trying to kill me!", I panted, running behind her. I don't do sports.

She laughed. „Come on, run, Leah!"

I tried to pick up speed.

„My grand-aunt runs faster than you. And she's 92!", she kept mocking me while running backwards.

„Fuck. you.", I panted and she stopped, opening her mouth in mocked shock of what I just said.

„What did you just say to me?", she asked with a high voice, as if she's offended.

I put my palms on my thighs and let my head down, panting hard. „Fuck you. And I meant it."

Sweat was dripping down my face. I hate this so much.

Suddenly she came running after me. „Take it back!"

I ran away from her. „No."

She tackled me and pulled me to the ground.

I was happy to lie down, actually. The cold grass felt wonderful.
„Finally.", I said.
„Huh?", she asked, panting as well.

„You stopped. And I'm lying.", I replied, still breathing heavy.
She chuckled and let go of me.


Boarding a private plane was exciting and I still couldn't believe how lucky I was. Jennifer told me that Benny would release a statement of the breakup and that the kids will be with her mom most of the time when in New York, so she could recover and take time for herself.

We were in her car, standing outside my apartment.
„Thank you.", I said.
„No, thank you. Really. I'll give you a call."

We hugged, I got my bags and went home.

At home there was a big package in my room.
„You're back!", I heard Lucas as I was about to open it. We hugged and he asked me what that is.

So I opened it and it was packed with JLo beauty stuff and a personal note.
„Oh my god! Read the note!", he demanded.

„For a great friend.
Love, Jennifer."

„Love, Jennifer? Holy shit, what is going on between you guys?", he asked me.
„Nothing! It's just a phrase.", I said, not without blushing.

„Tell me everything!", he said and I wasn't sure of how much I could tell. He would see that I was on her private plane with her, so I told him that but left practically everything private about her out. I told him we became pretty good friends.

When Lucas left, I texted Jennifer.

,Just opened your gift. Thank you so much. Love, Leah.'

When I typed „Love", my heart jumped against my throat. I knew she probably meant her's in a different way. But now I was pretty sure that I've fallen for her.

I let myself fall on my bed, buried my face in my pillow and mumbled: „Shit."

Even though she kissed me, I don't think we'll go any further than real good friends.

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