40 - Last Days

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Leah's POV

„Leahh? Baby?", I heard Jennifer yelling from somewhere inside the house. I was just sitting on the patio, enjoying the view.

„What?", I yelled back.
„I need help!"

I rolled my eyes and got up.
„Where you at?"
„The utility room!"

What the heck is she doing in there?
I found her crouching down in front of the washing machine.

I crossed my arms. „What?", I asked, trying to hide my amusement.
She looked up at me and scrunched her nose.
„I have no idea how this is working."
„You're kidding."
„I'm not."
„I haven't washed in decades!"

I laughed and patted her head playfully, then crouched down and asked her what she's washing.

„Panties, mostly."
„You didn't bring enough?"
She raised her brows at me.
„I did, but there all... soaked.."
I just had to laugh, earning a punch on my shoulders from her.
„That's your fault!", she said and squinted her eyes at me.
I chuckled again, then showed her how it's done.

„There you go.", I said and got up again.
She looked up in my face.
„Thank you.", she smiled, got up and kissed me.
„I don't want this to end.", she pouted.
„Me neither."

I felt like she's a hundred times better though. This vacation really helped her heal and it brought us so much closer.
Two more nights, then it would be over.

We walked outside to sit and watch the ocean.
„So, what's next for you?", I asked her.
„What do you mean?"
„When we get home."
„Oh right, actually, I wanted to talk to you about that."
That doesn't sound so good.

„Marc and I were asked to perform at an award show.. And he's in, so..."
„Okay... And are you? I mean.. do you want to?"
„It's good publicity for our song and I miss being on stage. So yes, I agreed."
„Uh-huh. What song are you going to perform?"
„Olvídame y Pega la Vuelta, I don't know if you know that one."
„Jennifer...", I gave her a look. „You remember I'm a fan, right? I'm not sure if there's anything I don't know." As soon as those words left my mouth I felt embarrassed and awkward.
She smiled it away not giving it further attention.

„Okay so.. that's what we're going to do, so I'll have to go straight into rehearsing, because we have just three days until the show, from when we get back."
„Would you like to come?"
I hoped she'd ask, but I pursed my lips, because I couldn't. Fuck, I hate this.
„I'd love to baby, but I need to get back to New York. There's been issues with one supplier lately and I need to either fix this or find a new one immediately."
„Oh.", she looked down and pouted a little.
„Yeah. I'm sorry."
I really am, because I hate the fact that she's spending time with Señor Flirt-A-Lot while I'm not around. Plus I'd love to see her work on a performance.

„You've got your business as well, I get that.", she smiled but I noticed she was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

So I got up and crouched down in front of her.
„What? You can't hide from me, you know that."
She inhaled deeply.
„I hate going back to the house alone."
I was rubbing her thighs gently.
„I hate to let you go there alone... Have you thought about selling the place?"

„I don't know. I love this house and I don't want him to ruin that."

„I see. Just.. think about it, okay?"

She nodded. „Hug me, please?"

I got up, held my hand out for her to grab and pulled her up into my firm embrace.
„It's going to be okay. You're doing so good.", I spoke softly to her and rubbed her back.

Our last few days were filled with so much love, joy, deep talks and a lot of incredibly good sex. It was heaven about to fall down. I hate that we have to leave.

We were in her private jet and still hours away from LA. From there I had to fly directly to New York which already felt exhausting, before it even started. But I just didn't want to let her fly by herself, I don't know.
Plus I had plans.

Jennifer was on the built-in bed reading, I sat next to her on a seat. She was wearing black glasses and it kinda turned me on. She licked her finger and turned to another page, while I bit my lip.
I put my hand on her book and gently pulled it out of her hands.
„Hey!", she complained.
„Hi.", I said as if she didn't complain and said a normal hey to me instead.

Then I sat on her lap and smirked at her.
„You know, I never joined the mile-high club and I was looking for someone to get me
inside.", I spoke softly and bit my lip.
„Oh you were?", she grinned.
„Mhmh.", I hummed and pushed the hem of her shirt up, then painted small circles on her naked stomach with my finger.
„Hm, who could possibly help you with that?", she said teasingly.

„I don't know.", I shrugged my shoulders. „The flight attendant looked nice, what's her name again?"

She widened her eyes at first but then reacted totally different from what I expected her to.
„Her name's Sonia."
„A nice name."
„It is. So you want her to help you join?"
„I don't know. There's someone else who has my attention right now."
„Really? Who would that be?"
We spoke softly and teasingly all the time.
„I think her name is Jennifer if I remember correctly. She's the hottest girl I've ever layed eyes on." I smirked at her.
„Is that so?"
„I mean if not, I could still call So...", she yelled the beginning of her name and I immediately smashed my hand on her mouth.
„Are you crazy?", I whisper-yelled at her but she just chuckled and removed my hand.
„That's what you get for playing me."
„Shut up."

I leaned down and we kissed. Jennifer welcomed me to the club in the best way possible and I was riding high. Literally.

We landed in LA and I hate that I have to leave her with every fiber of my body.

„I don't wanna leave you."
„Then stay.", she said hopefully.
„I really can't.", I whispered.
I cupped her pretty face and stared for a while.
Then I kissed her on top of her nose, making her scrunch it up. My kisses went to her cheeks, her forehead her chin and soon enough I had covered every inch of her face in kisses, making her giggle.

„When are we going to see each other again?", she asked me.
„I think I'll be done in a week. I mean I hope so."
„So you'll come to LA then?"
„If you want me to. Or you could come to New York?"
„I'll have to see. The kids, you know."
„I know."

„Kiss me.", Jennifer demanded and I followed. We shared a last intense kiss before we hugged. After that I went inside the airport to check in for my flight home. This sucks.
I really hope she's going to be okay.

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