28 - Bad Idea

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Jennifer's POV

„Leah!", I shouted once again.

I looked up at my hands and tried to make them so small that they would just slip through the cuffs, but no chance.

Leah came back with a smile on her face and fresh fruits in a bowl and water in her hands.

„Leah, I'm serious." I talked in a stern voice.

„Oh I am too. Fruits?", she replied as if we're having a normal conversation and put a strawberry in her mouth, while she sat down next to me.

I exhaled angrily.

„No? Then water maybe? Drink something baby."

I rolled my eyes.

„Will you finish what you started then?"
„We'll see."
„Okay. Water, please."

Leah held the straw to my mouth and I began to drink.

She giggled.
„You're crazy, you know that?", I said and gave her a look.

„Just little bit.", she smiled at me.
Leah placed everything on the nightstand, then sat on top me again. I could feel the warmth of her pussy against mine.

„I hate you.", I sulked.
„No you don't."

With her finger she drew little circles on my chest, making my nipples hard and my breathing increase. She leaned down to kiss and suck my neck. Finally. I moaned under her touch and soon enough I grew impatient.

„Mami, come on now, please.", I whined.

Leah listened and worked her magic on me until I was finally ready to release myself again. Her fingers pushed in and out of me slowly, rubbing my clit everytime she pulled her wet fingers out, while she kept kissing my neck. The tension that had built up inside me, was even bigger than before.

„Don't stop!", I panted out to make sure she wouldn't this time.
I could feel her smile against my neck.
My moans increased.
„Mh, you're doing so good baby.", Leah spoke into my neck.

I was holding on to the chains of the cuffs, making fists, as waves of an uncontrollable rush shot through every part of my body,
leaving me shaky, moaning and breathless.

„Oh, Leah...ah...fuck", I lifted my head, then tilted it back, letting it fall on my pillow, where I bit my shaky lips and drew my eyebrows together.

Leah's POV

Her chest rose and fell heavily and her eyebrows were drawn together, while her forehead and the space between her eyebrows had little wrinkles on them. Her mouth was slightly open while she was panting.

She tilted her head back and I kissed her neck up to her beautiful jawline, making her groan.

Then I slid my fingers out and held them to her lips. „Have a taste.", I said in a husky tone.
She put my fingers in her mouth and let them slide out slowly. She's driving me insane.

My mouth reached her's and I covered it with soft and moist kisses.

„Free me.", she softly whispered.

I opened the cuffs and she rubbed her wrists while she clenched her teeth and inhaled sharply.

I saw that she had some scratches and that her wrist were really red.

Suddenly I felt sorry for hurting her.
„Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you like that.", I said quietly.

But to my surprise, she smiled. „Don't be. I enjoyed every second." She kissed me softly.

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