30 - Clouded

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Jennifer's POV

„I don't get to touch you, huh?"

„No you don't!", I said angrily, finding my voice again.

He chuckled. Before I knew it, he pushed me back on the glass wall and choked me. I tried to grab his face and slap his arms, but none of it seemed to work. He just tightened his grip and in no timeI was running out of air.

I started feeling dizzy and my body felt heavy. I stopped hitting him, instead I was holding onto his arms now.

Through a clouded vision, I could see him looking at me. This can't be it.

He let go of me and shoved me on the bathroom floor. I whimpered and gasped for air, holding my throat. My vision was still blurry, because my eyes were filled with tears. I was taking deep breaths when I noticed that Alex was on his knees in front of me, watching me.

I blinked to get a better sight. He was staring at me. I was lying sideways with one arm on the ground so my upper body was pushed up, I found it easier to breathe that way, while my other hand was still holding my throat.

Now I could see what he was staring at. It was my ass. As soon as I realized that, I pushed myself up on both of my hands, in an attempt to stand up and run to the door.

He was faster. He grabbed my ankle and I fell down again. I tried to kick him, but he was faster and stronger, especially because I was still weak from him choking me.

„No...", I whimpered. I knew what he was up to.
I heard his zipper open and I felt my insides tighten.

I wanted to get a hold on the rug, but that was senseless. Alex pushed my skirt over my ass, then forcefully turned me on my back. I opened my mouth to scream, but he covered it with his palm. I tried to kick him again. And I tried to hit him.
But all of that seemed to bounce off him. He parted my legs and kneeled between them.

I shook my head no as hard as I could. I tried to push his hand off my mouth by grabbing his arm. I stood no chance. With his free hand he pushed my panties aside.

„Mh.", he mumbled with his gaze fixed between my legs. He used his thumb to slide down my
folds, then he took his hand to his mouth and put his thumb inside. I wanted to leave my body or sink into the ground. Just out.

I sobbed into his hand, trying to beg him to stop. But every „No" I managed to mutter, was swallowed by his palm.
He slid his thumb out of his mouth. „I always loved your taste." He looked into my face.
„It's okay baby, you're gonna love it. And you're gonna beg for more."

I whimpered into his hand as tears were falling down my face. His grip on my mouth got harder and I closed my eyes and turned my head slightly, so I wouldn't have to look at him. I could barely breathe under his palm.

I felt him pushing inside of me and I screamed into his hand. I cried and whimpered, feeling him inside. It hurt. This can't happen. It must be a bad dream. God please.

Every push hurt and everytime he got deep I cried loud into his palm. His scent disgusted me and soon enough I felt like passing out from the pain and lack of air.

I never stopped crying while he was at it. And I never opened my eyes. I just endured him pushing in and out of me, trying to get a hold on the rug while whimpering into his palm in pain.

Leah's POV

As time went by I somehow felt nervous. I don't know why. I still didn't like the idea of him being here. The unbearable feeling of something not being right sparked inside of me. I went downstairs to maybe hear what they were talking about when I'd pass the office door.

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