26 - Headlines

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Jennifer's POV

Waking up in Leah's arms made me feel warm,  secured and overly happy.

„Mornin' beautiful.", Leah said softly.
„Mornin' mami."
I inhaled her scent and smiled.
„Oh god..", Leah said, stretching the last word.
„You drive me crazy, when you call me mami."
I chuckled.
„Mami..", I repeated in a raspy morning voice.
„Mh.", she bit her lip.

„So.. by now the world knows about us, huh?", Leah said and played with my hair.

„Probably, yes.." I stretched a little.

„You talked to Max and Emme before, right?"

„Of course I did." I crawled on top of her and put my head right under her chin.

„How did that go?"

„They like you and they're absolutely fine with it.", I smiled, reminiscing the conversation I had with them.

I had asked them to sit down at the table with me, and asked them if they remembered Leah. They nodded and I proceeded to ask them if they know that not only a man and woman can fall in love, but also two men or two women. They rolled their eyes at me because of course they knew.
„Are you trying to tell us that you and Leah are a couple?", Max had asked.
They both had looked at me and I had smiled at them. „Something like that, yes. I want to be. But we had a fight, so I wanna fly to New York this weekend to apologize to her."
„What have you done?", Emme had asked.
„Something really really stupid.."
„But wha..."
I had interrupted her. „I won't answer that, baby."
She had rolled her eyes at me again. Teenagers, let me tell you.
„That's why you were crying a few weeks ago! That's why she left earlier, right?", Max had almost shouted out. He's such a smart kid.
„Yes.", I confirmed.
„Are you okay with me and Leah being a couple?"
They had nodded and a tear formed in my eye. I'm just so emotional.
„Why shouldn't we be?", Max had asked a little confused about my question.
I have the most sweetest and kindest kids in the world.
„I don't know baby.", I had shrugged my shoulders and got up to hug them both.
„I love you so much. You're my world, you know that, right?"
„Yes mom, can we go back to our rooms now, please?", Emme had asked, while Max pecked my cheek „I love you too, mom."
„Okay, go.", I had told them and released them from my hug.

I smiled. „Come back to LA with me next week and we can all hang out?"
I lifted my head and looked into her eyes.

„Okay.", she slightly smiled.

„And why don't you stay here while I'm in New York?" I know it's fast but it's not like she's moving in. I'm just.. head over heels and I want to spend as much time with her as possible.

„For real?"

„Okay but.. I'll still have to work."

„Me too. Oh that's going to be so much fun!", I giggled in excitement. It's gonna be like hanging with your best friend but besides getting all the advantages of that, we get to have the intimate part of a relationship as well.

„Oh and, there's this charity event I'm invited to too. Do you wanna come with me?"

„A charity event?", she asked me, scrunching up her nose. „Isn't it.. boring?"

„Not if you're there.", I said in a low voice and kissed her jawline right under her chin.
„Please.. be my plus one."

„Hm.. I don't know.."

„Please mami.." I begged and kissed her jawline up to her ear.

„Can I.. hear that again?"


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