02 - Crazy

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Jennifer's POV

I walked to my dressing room and took a closer look at the necklace that last girl gave me.
It was really pretty and it made me smile.

The next day I wanted to go grab some food with Emme. I checked myself in the mirror again and felt something was missing. I thought of the necklace and took it out of my bag.
„Yeah, that's it.", I said to myself when I saw it on me. It looked perfect.
„What'd you say, mom?", Emme came asking.
„Nothing baby. Let's go grab some food.", I said and put one arm around her.

Maybe I should've asked that girl for her contact to check out her other pieces. Plus her necklace made me have an idea of what to get Max and Emme for their birthday and I needed her for that.

Leah's POV

I woke up next to Lucas, we talked so long yesterday and just fell asleep on my bed.
He was waking up too and immediately checked his phone. It's the first thing he does every morning. Well, it was more like 2 in the afternoon, we were so full of adrenaline that we stayed up all night talking.

„Oh my god!", he shouted. „Look!"
He showed me his phone.

„What?", I rubbed my eyes and looked closer.

I opened my mouth in shock.
„Is she really?", I asked him.
„Wearing your necklace!!!", he exclaimed.

I screamed and threw my sheets over my head. How cool is that?

„People are gonna ask about it, you're gonna be famous!!"
I stuck my head out of the sheets. I didn't really think about the consequences of my gift. All I hoped for, was for her to like and wear it.
„I don't wanna be famous.", I said.
„You're business is going to thrive!"

That could actually be something good.

We got up, ate and started getting ready for the evening. I picked an olive green jumpsuit and black high heels.

We had first-row tickets again and sat in our seats, waiting for the show to start. This time I wasn't so nervous. I was kinda sad, because this was the last time I get to see her for god knows how long.

She came out and I forgot about it. She performed a few songs when suddenly all the lights went out and everybody started screaming. Jennifer was on stage, trying to calm everybody down, but of course people couldn't hear her. Emergency lights went on and we were told the place was evacuated.

No one knew if she'd perform again or if the show would just be cancelled.

Jennifer went live on instagram a few times to say how sorry she is. Lucas and I were sad, but good news came fast. Jennifer re-sheduled the show to monday. So just two more sleeps until then. She's so good to us.


Lou called on monday morning, saying that she's back and she really wants to see me, but since the concert was tonight I didn't have any time. She didn't took it so well and started getting jealous because Lucas did get to spend time with me.
I told her I'm not into the mood for stupid discussions and hung up on her.

„Good!", I heard Lucas shouting from inside the bathroom. He walked out, fixing his earring.
„You should really break up with her!", he said again.

I sighed. Maybe I should. So far, this relationship brought me more arguments and stressed me out more than any other relationship I've been in before. But when we had a good time, we had so much fun together. Plus Lou was really really hot and we had amazing sex.

I got dressed and picked a high-waist knee-long olive-green skirt and and a white sleeveless crop-top, that stopped right at the skirt's waistband. I wasn't into showing skin on my belly.

Just like two nights prior to this, we took a seat and waited for the show to begin.

After Jennifer performed „Medicine", she thanked everyone for giving her a second chance.
„Thanks for coming here again, queen!", Lucas shouted and Jennifer looked in our direction.
I raised my hand and waved at her and she really looked at me and smiled. Lucas screamed out of joy that she noticed him.

This time, I went to the M&G alone, because Lucas couldn't afford a second one. But he waited for me outside. He's an amazing friend.

I lined up as the last one again, because I hoped it would give me some extra time again.
And this time, I wasn't so nervous.

„Hii baby!", Jennifer said when she saw me and hugged me again.
„Hi Jennifer! Thanks for performing again and thanks for wearing the necklace I gave you!", I blurted out.
She smiled. She has the most amazing smile in the world. „I love your necklace. You'll see me wearing it frequently."
I flashed a big smile and we stood ready for the picture where she hugged me from behind, I grabbed her arms and we both laughed.

„Do you have a card?", she asked me.
I was stunned, to say the least.
„Of.. of course I do.", I said. „But I had to leave my purse outside, it's in there."
„Give it to my assistant then. I'd love to check out more of your work."
„O... Okay..", I stuttered. „Thank you so much!"
We hugged goodbye and left.
I handed her assistant my card and hoped it would really get to her.

When I walked outside to find Lucas I felt like I was floating. I couldn't believe what just happened.
„What's up, are you okay?", Lucas asked when he saw me.
„She... She wanted to have my card to... check out my jewelry..", I said quietly.
„WHAT?", Lucas screamed. He held my hands and jumped up and down. „Oh my gaaawd!"

I still stood there in shock.

On the subway my phone buzzed. It was Lou and I thought of picking up but then decided to shut my phone off and pretend my battery had died. I was in a terrific mood and she's not going to ruin that. I'll text her later to apologize and call her tomorrow.


„Wait, she asked for you number?", Lou asked me. „And you.. gave it to her?"
„Okay stop it. This is getting out of hand. First of all it was Jennifer Lopez, so nothing's gonna happen here and second, she asked for my contact and it was about business!"

Lou really had nerves.
Her blonde, almost silver, shoulder-long hair reflected the sunlight peeking through my bedroom window, and her bright blue eyes looked into mine, while she pushed her small bottom lip forward. She had small lips but she knew pretty damn well how to use them.

„Okay, I'm sorry.. I just... I hate the thought of you with someone else.. I..."
I stopped her by smashing my lips on her's.
I was afraid she was about to say the „L" word, because I didn't know what to respond to that.

So I made her shut up and cum instead.
Sex was the one thing in our relationship that always worked. It was always amazing and there were absolutely no misunderstandings.


It's been 4 weeks and I haven't heard from Jennifer or her crew, so I started feeling disappointed. Although I was mentioned on instagram on an account that shows where she got her outfits from and I've got more traffic on my site and a few more orders because of it. So at least that was great.

I was working and checked my e-mails when I stumbled over a special one.

„Dear Ms. Remini,

Ms. Lopez would like to meet you and talk to you about your jewelry line.
Are you free next Tuesday, at 10:30 am?

Please let us know."

My heart dropped once again. SHE wants to MEET? Oh god. I stood up and took a deep breath, had some water, then sat down to answer that I was free and loved to meet.

The answer came back one day later. It was a confirmation of the appointment and they asked if I could bring some examples and texted me the address of her apartment.

I was invited to her apartment.

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