23 - Gone

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Jennifer's POV

My first thought waking up went straight to Leah. Then I though of Alex and myself. Suddenly I felt horribly sick to my stomach so I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. That's how much I'm disgusted by myself.
And all those things I said to her yesterday? Oh god, I wish I could just take them back.

I quickly got up from the floor and walked to her room, I needed to apologize again, talk it out.

I knocked softly for a few times. She didn't answer, so I carefully peaked my head inside.

„Leah?", I whispered.

The bed was made, the room empty. The two jewelry boxes for the kids were neatly placed at the end of the bed. She left. She really left.

„No...", I whispered to myself. I looked up at the ceiling, making fists with my hands, trying to hold back the tears. But I failed. I let myself fall on the bed, and somehow, it felt warm still.

I can't believe she did that. I can't believe I did that.

„Mom?", I heard Max' voice behind me.
I wiped my tears away and looked at him, hating that he got to see me like that.

„Max, baby."

„Why are you crying? Where is Leah?"
„She left."
„I thought she wanted to stay?"
„She had to leave for work.", I lied.
„And you're upset about that?"
I nodded.
„Oh mom.", he came to hug me, probably thinking I'm silly for crying over something like that.
„But she'll come again, will she? I like her."
„Yes baby, she will. Why don't you go downstairs, I'll be there in a minute."


I lied again. But it was a lie I intended to make true. I won't let her go that easy.

But first I let her go home. If that's what she needs right now, I'm going to give her that.

I texted her though.
,Have a save flight home. I hope we can talk soon. I'm deeply sorry I've hurt you and I hope we can work this out. You own my heart and I won't let you go.'
I also send her a picture Lucas took, right before I left New York. She hasn't seen it, yet.

Leah's POV

A message from Jennifer popped up on my display. I couldn't possibly read it. Right after, she send me an image. I turned my phone on flight mode, feeling my eyes filling with tears.

When I finally arrived at home, all I wanted to do is suffer. I needed to, in order to be able to carry on.

So I opened her text and the image she sent,
to achieve what I wanted.

We look perfect together

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We look perfect together. I remember that moment perfectly, she was standing behind me and I could feel her breath against my neck and her body pressed against mine. „Ready?", Lucas had asked. Jennifer had put one arm over my shoulder. „Go.", she had told him. I had inhaled shakily, slightly tilted my head back to lean on hers and Lucas took the picture. When he showed it to us, Jennifer had whispered in my ear „You're so sexy." which made me giggle and kiss her, while Lucas stood there with his hand on his heart, melting at us. The memory of that was so clear and burned into my mind, along with all the other ones we shared.

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