65 - NYE

175 7 4

Jennifer's POV

„I'm sorry mami, but I already said no."
Emme rolled her eyes at me.
„Listen baby, I know you hate this right now, but this is on such short notice and we planned otherwise."
„What difference will it make if I'm not here?"
„A huge to me!"
„You don't understand!"
„Maybe I don't, but try to understand that I don't even know her parents, nor her."
„You don't have to. I know her, she's just a nice girl mom, what's the problem?", Emme raised her voice at me.

„Lulu, don't.", I said with a stern voice.
„Ugh!!", she groaned in despair.

Emme was at that age where I transitioned from mom, who knows everything, to mom who knows nothing at all.

„Hey, what's going on?", Leah walked into the kitchen.

Emme immediately turned to her.
„Leandra invited me to spend New Year's Eve with her and mom won't let me go!"
„Oh I see.". Leah put her hands on Emme's shoulders. „It's important for you to go, right?"
„Yes.", Emme answered.

Leah looked at me while Emme turned around to look at me too and Leah wrapped her arms around Emme's shoulders.

„And baby, you don't want her to go because she's supposed to spend it with us?", she asked me.

„And because I don't know who her parents are, I never even saw them."

„I see.", Leah said. She lowered her head to Emme's and said: „Let me talk to your mom for a sec okay?" Then she kissed her on top of her head.
Emme nodded and walked out, not without glaring at me.

Leah walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
„Why don't you facetime her parents? Would that help?"
I rolled my eyes. „That doesn't mean I'll know them."
„No baby, but you'll get an impression. She's going to be fourteen and you just won't get to know her friend's parents anymore."
„She wants to spend the night."
„That's what New Year's Eve is all about, baby.", Leah smiled and pecked my lips so I won't throw an attitude at her.

„Or maybe Leandra could stay with us, instead?", Leah asked.
„No, she has invited another friend."
„Okay. Good. Baby, she'll be safe. You have to give her some space or she'll take it. Don't you remember being a teenager?"

I let my head sink.
„From what I know, you've been quite.. rebellious.. sneakin' out and stuff.", Leah spoke softly but with a light grin on her face.
I blew out air from my nose.
„And Emme is a good girl, isn't she?", Leah kept on going.

„She is."
„And you trust her judgement, don't you?"
I rolled my eyes again.
„I'll facetime her parents.. but if I don't like them she's not going!!", I said with a serious voice.
„Okay mommabear.", Leah mocked me.
„Oh shut up!"
Leah smacked my ass hard as I walked away,
making me smile.

I went to Emme and asked if she could set the facetime date between me and her parents but I told her that that's not a yes. Leah went with me and I saw her wink at Emme. Whatever is going on between them, I think it's beautiful, but I also feel kinda left out.

Leandra's parents seemed very nice and they won't have any other guests over but the kids, which calmed me, so there'd be no adults around I don't know, maybe drunk and stupid and what not. I'm very protective of my children.

So basically I had no choice but to let her go, even though I wanted her to stay with us.
I went up to her room and she looked at me with big puppy eyes.
„You can go.."
„Ah, yes! Mom, thank you, tha..."
I lifted my finger before she could hug me.
„Under one condition."
„Okay, anything you want!"
„You have to take your brother with you."

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