48 - Escape

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Leah's POV

I told Lucas what happened, a little while later Jennifer came back out and we went to my bedroom.
„You're going to be okay?", Lucas asked.
„Yes, thank you.", I replied.
„If you need anything, let me know."
„Okay, night Lucas.", I said.
„I love you. Both."
„Love you too.", I said and Jennifer just smiled a sad smile and nodded.

As soon as we were lying in bed, she said: „We have to leave."
„What do you mean?"
„We'll have to get the kids and leave tomorrow."
„I don't know, just... I'll figure something out. We can't stay. Media attention will be crazy and I can't take it right now, I can't.", she said with a shaky voice. „And I don't want the kids to be harassed in any way because of this."
„Okay, then we'll leave.", I said and pulled her close to me.
I was on my back and she rested her head on my shoulder.

„I love you.", I said. „I'm happy that... you're here." It sounded so simple, but what I'm saying is that I'm happy she's alive and well.
„I love you too.", she whispered and grabbed my shirt.

„You could've died.", I said, realizing this could've been a likely outcome and it made my heart hurt. „A few hours ago, you could've died."

„I didn't.", she said and kissed my neck. Her kisses felt like healing aids to my heart that broke just at the thought of something happening to her. „I'm here, because of you. You saved me. Again." She said and kept on kissing me slowly and softly.

I started sobbing and she did too. We held each other and sometimes exchanged teary-wet kisses while crying over everything that is and everything that luckily isn't.

We stayed inside for the next day, not watching any news. Paparazzi were lined up outside because they know where I live by now. Jennifer's phone went off like crazy. She spoke to Benny to give out a statement, and with her mom to assure her that she's fine.
She also talked to Max and Emme, explaining to them why they aren't allowed to use their phones or to watch TV until we are reunited. It was important to her to tell the kids personally. They hated that they had to leave, because they didn't know the reason for it.

We scheduled a really early flight, because we hoped the number of paps would decline until 4 in the morning.

Besides that we cuddled a lot. Basically the whole day, it made us both feel safe and protected, especially after all the stressful phone calls she has to take. I felt sorry for her. This situation was hard enough, but she has to deal with so much more because of who she is.

Jennifer decided to go to Hawaii. Benny organized a rental house and we hoped for isolation and peace there. It was a big property we basically won't have to leave.
It's a little higher up on the mountains with a great view, Jennifer showed me the pictures.

5 past 4 the driver came upstairs to get our bags. We both slept a lot the day before, so we weren't too tired.
„How is it out there?", Jennifer asked him.
„5 or 6 paps in front."
She sighed.
„Ready?", she asked me.
„No..", I sighed as well.

Lucas insisted on gettin up to say goodbye and that's what we did. He hugged each of us for a while.
„You'll be fine. I know that. If there's anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask, okay?", he said to us.
„You're a singular, Lucas.", Jennifer said to him and squeezed his arm.
I hugged him again and we left.

The paparazzi were practically attacking us.
„Jennifer, what happened?"
„Why did Alex had to die?"
„Who shot him?"
„J.Lo! Say something!"

I put my arm around her to protect her. We said nothing, got right into the car and speeded off to the airport.

Jennifer frowned and I noticed she was trying not to cry.
„Baby.", I put my arm around her again.
„They'll tear me up in those tabloids. And I'll never recover from that."
I squeezed her closer to my side.
„Let's not think about that right now. Let's focus on healing.", I said softly.

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