11 - For The Kids

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Leah's POV

I let myself fall back on my bed, then I grabbed my phone. I had tons of instagram notifications, a few messages from Lucas and some from Lou.

I exhaled and started with instagram. I was tagged in tons of pictures with Jennifer outside Nobu's. And thankfully I think I look quite good by her side. As if I really belong there.
I had also gained followers on my private, as well as on my business account.

Lucas messages consisted of „I can't believe it"s and „Oh my god"s mainly, while Lou accused me of fucking Jennifer again, stating I broke up with her just to be with Jennifer.

I called Lucas and he picked up.
„Ey yo girl!", he said.
„Hi Lucas."
„Lee, you're insane. And you look smokin' hot on those pap pictures. If I wasn't gay, mhh."
I laughed.

„Stop it."
„Really! And thank you so much for yesterday."
„It was her idea. I would've just muted you.", I said bluntly, but he knows how to take it.
„Bitch.", he laughed. „For real, you look happy, too."
„I am. I broke up with Lou."
„Fi-nal-ly! It was about damn time. So, you feel good about it? No doubts so far?", he asked suspiciously.
„Good. I want her out of our life's. She was... exhausting."
„I know boo, I'm sorry I've put you through it.", I apologized for everytime he was there listening to me when we had a fight or anything.

„Always for you. When are you coming back?", he asked. „I miss you."

„Two days."

„Are you meeting up with Jennifer again?"

„I don't think so."

We said our goodbyes and I went on to check my e-mails. I simply ignored Lou's messages and hoped, she wouldn't do anything dumb, as in, selling the media a story about how J.Lo went on a date with a lesbian.
I hoped Lou remembered I could get at her anytime.

I had quite a few new orders I needed to make ready for shipment as soon as I get home.

Jennifer's POV

When I got home and walked into the living room it was filled with flowers. Like tons and tons of flowers.

Alex came walking from his office.

„Mami, you're home.", he smiled.
„I am.", I said, not walking any further.

„I need to apologize. About yesterday, I don't know what's gotten into me, I was.. not myself."

„You weren't."

„I promise it won't happen again.", he walked a few steps closer.

„What about the baby subject?", I asked him.
„Will you drop it?"

He inhaled deeply.

„I will. I love you mami."

I let my head sink and frowned.

„Give us another chance, baby? Please?", he begged.

I looked at him. I needed to tilt my head back because he was standing pretty close to me now.

He cupped my face and I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

„I don't know.", I said with a shaky voice.

„Please. For the kids."

I closed my eyes. The kids, this family, was the thing that made me doubt ending us the most.

„Okay.", I whispered.

He smashed his lips on mine and kissed me a few times, then sank on his knees and hugged me tight.

„I love you baby, thank you! I'll be the best man ever, I promise."

I put one hand on his head and ran my fingers through his hair, still unsure of how to feel. It was like I wasn't feeling much at all, but still, a few tears ran down my cheeks.

After that I had a shake, worked out, showered and went to my fitting room where my glam squad was already waiting for me.

About one hour in, the kids came inside.

„Mom!", Emme said and came to hug me.
„Hey mami, are you good?", I asked her.
„Papi, you too?", I asked Max who came in behind her.

They told me about school and what they did and I enjoyed listening to them.
A few minutes later, Tashi and Ella came in too.  We talked a little while I got ready.
I thought about how I'd miss his girls if I'd break up with him.

„Come here.", I suddenly said spreading my arms wide open for Tashi and Ella to fit in.
„I love you and you're smart and tough and independent. And I'm so proud of you.", I told them.
„Why are you so emotional?", Ella asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. „I don't know. It's the day or something.", I forced a smile.

They left and one long hour later, I was done. I put Leah's jewelry on and it made me feel even more comfortable. I smiled thinking about her.

Leah's POV

This night I ordered food in and watched photos of Jennifer on the red carpet come in. She really was wearing my jewelry and she looked beyond stunning.

It didn't take long until I was tagged again and then shit hit the fan. I got tons of orders for the same pieces she picked. Millions of messages on how beautiful it looks and family and friends texting me, saying how cool that is.

I'd say I made more money that evening than I normally do in 3 months. It was crazy. The J.Lo effect, I guess.

Jennifer's POV

When I got home, the kids were already in bed, but Alex was awake.
We talked about the evening while my glam squad was unglamming me, but I didn't think he listened.

„Did you think about signing those papers for Tashi?", I asked.
„What papers?"
„The ones we talked about?"
„I don't know about...."
„Ugh...", I rolled my eyes and walked to my fitting room to get out of the dress and put something comfy on.

My glam squad was all done and we finally had the house to ourselves.

„Do you ever listen?", I asked him when I came back. I was still on full make-up but I had no hair pieces on me. Just a comfy set and Leah's jewelry.

„I do.", he replied.
„Doesn't seem like it.", I drew the corners of my mouth down and shrugged my shoulders.

He was sitting there, chewing on his gum and it disgusted me.

„I'll go to bed.", I said and walked upstairs.

Are women this way? They don't forget so easily, right? They juggle so many things at the same time and they remember shit.
God, he annoys me.

When I was finished washing and everything, I went to bed and Alex came in shortly after. He spooned me and his breathing on my neck made me cringe.

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