41 - Missing You

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Jennifer's POV

My heart beat was fast when we pulled up
on my driveway. I hate going here alone.
A deep breath helped me relax a little, before I entered my house.

I closed the door and soon enough heard Max's voice.
„Mom? Is that you?"
„It's me baby." Hearing his voice soothed me.
He came walking to me and we hugged.
„How are you! Where's Emme?"
„She's outside with dad."

I squeezed him a little tighter.
„Mom!", he complained.
„Okay okay, big boy."

I released him and he rolled his eyes. They are growing too fast.

Outside I found Emme and Marc, chilling on the loungers, talking.
„Mom", Emme smiled and got up to hug me.
„I've missed you.", I said while kissing her forehead.
She squeezed me tighter, then Marc got up.
„Hey mama.", he gave me a quick peck on my cheeks, then hugged me shortly.
„Hey.", I replied.

We talked outside for while, then had dinner together. Max and Emme may be teenagers, but they still enjoy having both their parents around. And I enjoyed these times too, remembers me of the old ones.

Later that evening the kids went upstairs and Marc and I were left alone.

„Let's talk about the performance.", Marc suggested.
„Okay.", I said and we transferred to the living room.
He showed me different prints of the setup he had planned, because he took care of everything in advance. He knows what I like and what I don't, so I left all the decisions to him without any worries.

„So we're making a few runs the next days?", I asked him.
„Yeah, just a few, we'll have no dancers, it's just us, so there's not much to rehearse."
„Okay, than that's it."
„Easy.", I smiled.

„So you and.. what's her name?", I asked.
„Nadia, mhmh. She's how old?", I asked raising my brows.
„God, Marc.", I looked slightly annoyed.
„What? Leah is what? In her thirty's?"
He scoffed.
„That's a difference.", I replied.

„Three years ago, Nadia was a teenager.", I said.
„Are you jealous?"
„What?", I furrowed my brows and moved my head.
„Are you?", he smiled that annoying smile he has sometimes.
„Damn sure."

He lifted his hands up.
„Alright. Just so you know, I think we'd still be great together."
„Marc...", I said, emphasizing his name. „You have a girlfriend."
„And she's got nothing on you, mami."
That made me smile. Of course she didn't. I knew but it made me happy he did too.

„Of course she doesn't.", I said a little cocky.
Marc chuckled.
„Good night, Marc.", I said, walked over to him and softly kissed his cheek while putting my left hand on his right shoulder, as I stood beside him. I don't know why exactly, maybe I felt sorry for him. Maybe it's the special connection we share. I let my head sink, smiled and walked past him and upstairs, leaving him standing there. He knows his way out.

Upstairs I facetimed Leah. She texted a while ago, saying she's home, but she's probably asleep now, because she's not picking up.
I texted her a selfie and told her that I love her.

I miss her already. The day made me
tired and after I got bed ready I fell asleep
quickly. In the middle of the night, I woke up by my own scream, quickly sat up and looked around. After a few calming breaths, I switched the light on my nightstand on. I barely remember what I dreamed of, but I remember who I dreamed of uncomfortably good. I turned the TV on to distract my mind from everything I thought of, especially from my own screams and whimpers that echoed painfully in my head.

Distraction worked and after I took a valerian root pill, I dozed off again. Thankfully, because I don't wanna give this too much thought.

The next day I drove with the kids to school and they begged me not to get out of the car.
„Mom please, everyone will look!", Emme begged.
It's a thing that I am who I am and I get that. Still it hurts a little.

After that my driver dropped me off at the venue where I met Marc and Stevie backstage.
We warmed up then proceeded to the stage and examined it.

We talked about when we're walking where and rehearsed a few rounds.

„Amazing mami!", Marc cheered at me and hugged me from behind when we ended the song.
„Oh, haha.", I laughed, surprised by his firm embrace.
I squirmed out of his arms to look at my phone.

Leah had texted me back and I tried to facetime her. Luckily, she picked up.

„Baby!", I almost shouted, seeing her pretty face on the screen.
„Hiii!", she flashed a big smile at me.
„Ohh, I miss you! How are you? How's everything going?"
„I miss you too! I'm okay and I'm in negotiations with the supplier. It's annoying." Leah rolled her eyes and I wish I could hug her.
„You stressed baby?", I pouted.
Leah sighed. „I am."
„Are you free later? Maybe I can help release some of it...", I bit my bottom lip and Leah's eyes widened.
„I will be!"
I giggled.
„Okay. I'll call you when I'm home."
„I can't wait."

We hung up and I smiled and scrunched up my nose. I felt excited for later and already a little horny.

„Naughty.", I heard Marc's voice.
„Oh my god, Marc!", I blushed and furrowed my brows at him.

I can't believe he listened.
„If you need someone to hold you're phone while you..."
I hit him on his chest. „God! Stop! I see you tomorrow!", I said and walked out, shaking my head. While walking I could still hear him
mumble: „I've already seen it all."
My mouth dropped open but I kept on walking as if I didn't hear.

As soon as I got home, I called Leah from my bed. The kids were still at school.
„Hey..", I said softly.
„Hi..", she smiled and her cheeks were already a little red. She must be as horny as I am.

„How was rehearsing?", she asked me.
„I don't wanna talk about that.", I spoke in a soft voice. „I wish I could kiss you right now."
„That would be nice. I miss your lips. Here.", she put her fingers on her lips. „And here.", she moved her hand further down and I guess on her chest, but it was cut off. „And here." She looked down.

„Show me.", I said and inhaled shakily.
Leah bit her bottom lip and giggled softly, then moved her camera down her body. She was wearing a bathrobe she pushed aside when reaching between her legs. She showed me her black laced pantie.

„Touch yourself.", I demanded. „Put your panties to the side and touch yourself. Slowly, baby."

She obeyed and I started feeling tingly, watching her do herself. I heard her moaning softly.
She put the phone somewhere so I could see her full body as she was sitting on the chair in her room.
„More baby..", I softly spoke to her. „Use your fingers."
She did and the view almost killed me.
„Oh my god.", I whispered and started touching myself too.

„You're amazing.", I said to her, making her smile at me.
„Can you squeeze your boobs for me, please? I miss them so much."
She squeezed one of her boobs while her other hand remained between her legs.
„Mh.", I moaned out and kept on touching myself.

„Mom, you there?" Emme's voice.
„Fuck!", I let the phone drop on me and quickly pulled the sheets over myself as the door already opened. I stretched and pretended that I just woke up from a nap.

„Were you sleeping?", Emme asked confused.
„I was."
„It's like 4.."
„I was tired baby."
She shrugged her shoulders.
„Whatever. I need your help with a project."
„Okay. Why don't you go downstairs and I'll be there in a sec.
„Okay.", she said and walked out.

Oh god.
I grabbed my phone to see Leah's blushing face on the display.
„Did she..."
Leah chuckled.
„Phew.", she said and smiled.
„I'm sorry." I sighed.

„Later tonight, maybe?", Leah asked. „I'm hooked now."
I laughed. „Yeah."
„I love you."
„I love you too."

We hung up, I washed and went downstairs to help Emme.
My phone buzzed and I looked at it while working on Emme's project. Leah had send a selfie. It showed her face and she had the tip of her index finger in her mouth while her bottom lip touched it softly. She looked so hot. And her finger looked a little... glistening. Oh good god. I locked the screen and put my phone on the table quickly. She really.... I bit my bottom lip and chuckled.

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