39 - Amazing

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Leah's POV

Jennifer came back up, looking pretty content with herself after what she just did.

„Proof enough?", she smirked at me.
I grabbed her hands that were resting on my stomach now and pulled her up, so we could kiss.
I noticed a difference though, broke the kiss and looked at her.

„Baby, you're not about to cry again, are you!?"

She looked away. „No.", stretching the O while her voice got higher as she did.
„It's just...", she took a deep breath. „I don't know, I'm just so happy to be able to enjoy this and to be so close to you.", she said and smiled at me with a trembling bottom lip. She didn't cry, though.

„Oh okay...", I understood but it was still a little.. I don't know. Of course I'm happy she's happy. But it never would've been this way if... I should've just shot him when I had the chance to. Maybe that would've helped. But it wouldn't have changed the fact that he did what he did and that she's suffering because of him.

„What are you thinking about?", Jennifer asked me.
„It's nothing."
„It's something, I can see it in your face."
„I don't know if you wanna talk about it.", I said.
From the look on her face I could tell she knew what I meant.
She was still kneeling in front of me, but her upper body was close to mine.

„Are you angry?", I asked her.
„Hm...", she thought about it for quite a while.

„I don't know about angry. Maybe sometimes. I guess I'm more sad, than angry. How was it after you... you know."
„Got raped?"
Jennifer looked down and furrowed her brows as if she's in pain, when I said that out loud.
„Sorry.", I apologized.
„No it's... you're right.", she looked back up with that painful look on her face.

„I wasn't mad at him, I guess. But I was mad at everyone involved after. He wasn't charged because there was no hard proof of what he did. Just my word. And apparently, that wasn't enough. And that's what really made me angry."

„I'm so sorry Leah."
Jennifer hugged me tight and I rested my chin on her head, inhaling her scent.
„I'm not mad anymore. It's not worth my time, because I can't change anything about it."
Jennifer nodded and dug her nails into my back.

„The other night when we were out and you went to the bathroom... could you... I mean was it.. okay?", I had to ask because she wasn't acting like herself after that.

Jennifer sighed.
„It wasn't. I still can't close bathroom doors..."
„I know.." I squeezed her tighter to me.
„.. it's like I always expect to see his face somewhere, you know. So I panicked a little, but I made it."
„Oh baby, I wish I could do something to make it better.."

She looked up. „You're making it better. You're wonderful, and I don't know what I'd do without you. Really."
I lowered my head and kissed her.

„Wow... what a morning.", I said.
Jennifer chuckled softly.
„Let's spend the rest of the day here and on the beach, what do you say?", I suggested.
„Just us. Sounds perfect.", she smiled at me.

And that's what we did. We cuddled, we
swam in the ocean and had little water fights, we kissed a lot and we talked and talked for hours.

Later we got into comfy clothes to cook together. This time we were making burritos and Jennifer put on salsa music so she could dance while cooking. I've could've just watched her but she complained that I'm no help at all.

„Teach me something.", I said.
„Okay.", she seemed happy about my request.
„You wanna lead or follow?", she asked.
„What's easier?"
„Depends. I can't lead, so it would be easier if you would. I like to be led.", she smiled shyly at me.
„Why even ask me then, come here.", with that I grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

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