05 - Happy?

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Leah's POV

I was in my Uber back to my rental apartment. How crazy was that? I was full of adrenaline and wished I could've screamed, but the driver must think I'm nuts if I do.

So I kept myself together until I closed the apartment door behind me, then screamed and jumped to cope with the adrenaline I had inside of me.

Then I got to work and ordered everything I need to make Max' and Emme's custom jewelry. I ordered material I needed to re-produce the necklace and earrings she had chosen, because I thought that some people would want to buy it after she wore it, and the one's I had weren't enough to cover the demand. At least I hoped so.

Then I walked the streets, looked at the people, the jewelry they wore and what's in in stores. I sat at a café and scribbled new ideas on paper.

On my way to a store I called Lucas and told him everything, I think he almost fainted as I spoke. Then I went looking for groceries to make myself dinner tonight. Compared to what had happened earlier the rest of my day was pretty boring.

Jennifer's POV

After working out Alex and I were in the car. I had recommended Nobu to Leah and now I was craving it.
„Can we eat at Nobu's tomorrow, papi?", I asked him.
„Sounds good, I'll make reservations later.", he smiled. „Just the two of us?"

„Mhmh.", I nodded. We were around so many people all day, especially lately, so I thought it would be nice if it was just us.

He put his hand on my thigh, squeezed it and I leaned in to kiss his neck.
„Hungry for more?", he asked me
and raised his brows.

„Mhmh.", I muttered against his neck.

At home the house was more quiet, because many people had left. Only my chef and my waiter were here and they were already preparing dinner. And the nanny must be around here too. Not that the kids really needed one, but she took care of dates, drove them to school and handels everything else when we can't.

„I'm gonna take a shower.", I whispered in Alex' ear and smiled seductively.

We walked upstairs to our bathroom and Alex smashed the door close, kissed me hungrily and undressed me and himself.

We walked into the shower and I turned it on.
Alex lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Then he pressed my back against the cold marble of the shower. I wished he would take more time and please me before getting right to it. Not that I mind it being rough and fast occasionally, but not everytime.

I held on to his neck as he entered me.
He felt big and strong and he made me moan, feeling his strength inside me.

When he started pushing me up and down on him, I groaned in pleasure.
„Papi, a little slower, please.", I begged him, because I knew he was about to cum, but I wasn't ready yet.

He was too into it and didn't listen. He came and buried his face in my neck.
I was a little mad that he didn't listen and I was left not completely unsatisfied, but without reaching the high I was hoping for.

Alex let me down and kissed me.
„You good mami?", he asked as he must've noticed my facial expression.
I sighed. „I would've needed a little more time like I asked you.", I said and looked up into his eyes.

„I'm sorry baby.", he said and gently caressed the side of my face with his fingers. He grabbed my jaw softly and looked down on me. „You're just too tempting."
He kissed me and we made out before we showered and got out again.

We got into something cozy and went downstairs, where the kids were already waiting for us.

„What took you so long?", Emme asked.
„Yeah, dinner's ready.", Ella said.

„I'm sorry, we just had to shower real quick after hitting the gym.", I apologized to them.

Natasha raised a brow on us and mumbled: „Ew."

„Let's eat everybody.", Alex said. „And how about a family game night?"

„Yes!", all of the kids cheered.

We had dinner and then played sharades and did some karaoke. It was a fun night full of laughter and love.

Alex made our reservation at Nobu in between and when the kids were finally in bed we fell on the couch, kind of exhausted.

„What a funny evening, don't you think?", Alex smiled at me.
„Yes.", I smiled back at him.
„Don't you think it would be wonderful to add to our family?", he said and came closer, making me lean on my elbows.
„Alex.", I said annoyed.
„The kids would love it! And just imagine how beautiful our baby would be.", he said and hovered over me, then kissed me.

I pushed him away gently and got up.
„I don't want this. How many times do you think I need to tell you that, before it gets to you?", I raised my voice on him.
„And it doesn't matter what I want?", Alex said and got up himself.

„It does. But I can't have a baby just to do you a favor, Alex. I'm done. I don't want any more children.", I said and paused.
„Maybe if that's your deepest wish we should...", I continued but he interrupted.
„No, I want this with you and no one else."

I rolled my eyes.
„I think we're stuck here.", I said.
„Let's talk about it, please."

I turned my back on him and walked to the stairway.
„We already did. And I don't know what else I can say to make you understand.", I talked while walking.
He walked right behind me.
„Maybe we could ask the kids.."

I turned around and interrupted him.
„No! Don't. God Alex! Do you know how stupid and pathetic that sounds? I'm sorry, I really don't want to. And I don't wanna fight over it over and over again!", I raised my voice on him, because I needed to make my point.

I turned around again and walked up the stairs when he grabbed my wrist hard, saying: „Don't walk away like that!" He pulled on my arm.
It caused me to miss a step and because he held my wrist I couldn't catch myself. I fell on my hip, my elbow and my thigh hard and I groaned on impact.

Alex was still holding my wrist. „Oh god baby, I'm so sorry.", he said while he crouched down.

I clenched my teeth and sucked air through them. The sudden pain sent tears to my eyes.

I freed myself from his grip and glared at him.
„Baby, I didn't mean to hurt you.", he apologized.

I got up and looked into his eyes, while he was still crouching down. When he got up he was still a little bit taller than me, even though I was standing higher than him.

„But you did.", I said, holding my elbow.

„Jennifer, really, I didn't intend to.", he apologized again and touched my face, but I flinched away.

„I'm going to bed.", I said and turned around.

I know it wasn't his intention to hurt me. Still it hurt and his words even hurt more than the physical pain. It made me feel like I wasn't enough or like what I wanted or not wanted wasn't even important to him. Because no matter how often I told him that I don't want a baby, he kept on pressing.

I needed to think about whether us being together still feels right to me, because lately there were too many things that bothered me.

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