09 - Good Night

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Leah's POV

„I'm sorry I woke you up I just... didn't know where else to go.", Jennifer said quietly.
„What happened?", I asked her and closed the door.

She inhaled shakily. „Can you just hold me?"
I hugged her tight and I felt her tensed muscles soften a little. She sighed.

We dissolved from one another. „Take a seat.", I said and pointed to the bed.

She wore a beige very long trench coat that she opened up, revealing that she's just wearing a long t-shirt. She threw it on the ground.

She must've left in a hurry and I had an idea of what could've happened.

She sat on the bed and I asked her what happend while I sat down next to her.

„It got out of hand.", she said while lifting her head to look at me worried.
„Oh, Jennifer.", I said with a sorry look on my face.

I noticed marks on her thighs. „Did he do that?", I asked her.
She looked down as if she was seeing them for the first time and I really think she did.
She nodded slowly and sobbed, so I pulled her into my arms and rubbed her back.

Suddenly it felt like we've been friends for years.

„Can I stay here for tonight?", she asked. „I don't know where else.."
I interrupted her. „Sure. This is just probably far away from what you're used to.", I said overlooking the kitchen in the left corner and the little table on the right right next to it. The bed was on the right side of the door. At least the bed was a full size so two people could sleep in it comfortably.

She smiled. „I don't care."

„What about Max and Emme?", I asked.
„They're taking care of, the nanny knows I'm out for tonight."

„Okay. Do you need anything? Water?"

„Water would be nice, thank you."

I went to the kitchen to pour water into a glass and handed it to her. She took a sip and placed the glass on the floor next to the bed.

„Thank you for being so nice... you know.. taking me in.. You're a good friend.", she said and smiled at me.

I was flattered and happy that she considered me a friend. I smiled back at her and sat down next to her again. „I'm always there when a friend is in need.", I replied and softly put my hand on her cheek.

„I'm tired.", she said.
„Let's sleep then.", I said and we lied down.

Since the bed wasn't very big, we were pretty close to each other. I covered her with my sheets.
„What about you?", she asked.
„I'm wearing pants. You're not. I'm okay.", I said softly.
„You're wearing shorts. Not pants.", she replied and lifted the sheet up. „Come on.", she said.

„It's tight under there.", I said and hesitated.
„It's snug, now would you please? I'm not gonna let you sleep uncovered.", she raised her brows on me.
„Okay.", I said and crawled under.

„See? It's nice.", she said, obviously enjoying being close and warm.
„Mhmh.", I said, trying to control my heartbeat which I hoped, she wouldn't notice.

We were both lying on our backs until she turned on her side to face me.

She stared at me.
„What?", I asked and gave her a side-eye.
„What's it like being with a woman?"
I turned my head to look at her.
„Is it better than with men?", she asked.

Her head rested on the side of her arm while she looked at me curiously.
„Depends what you're into I guess. I wouldn't be with women if I'd like men more.", I said shrugging my shoulders.

„Mh. So you've ditched men completely?"
„Last time I've been with a man was 8 years ago, so I think I'm pretty solid.", I chuckled.

She chuckled too. Then there was silence between us, but not the bad kind.

Suddenly she leaned over and softly put her lips on mine while I tilted my head back to where it was. Her lips felt just like I imagined them, but better. Soft, a little moist, sweet and firm. I returned the kiss, then she leaned back and rested her head on her arm again.

My breathing was a little heavier and my heart was beating out of control.
I wasn't sure whether if I should say something or not. I decided to go for it, because staying silent would be even more awkward.

I tilted my head to look at her.
„What...what was that?", I asked quietly.

Jennifer closed her eyes, pressed her lips together and scrunched her nose. She looked adorable.

„I'm sorry.", she said and looked at me again. „I guess I got swept up in the moment,
and you're...." She inhaled deeply.

„Yes?", I asked. „I'm what?"

„You know...", she said.

„I don't.", I replied. I may had an idea of what she meant, but I needed to hear.

„You're very attractive, Leah.", she whispered and suddenly my heart was beating so hard that I could feel it in my throat.

I didn't know what to say, so I just turned to my side too and looked at her. Then I gently put my palm on her cheek, leaned in and kissed her. Just once, then I leaned back and looked at her.

„But Leah, I...", she started but I interrupted her.
„But you can't."

„I can't.", she confirmed what I just said and had a sorry look on her face.

„I get that.", I said.

She smiled softly.

„Good night.", she said.

„Night.", I said and turned on the other side, not because I was mad, but because I sleep better this way.

I wasn't mad. I wasn't sure at all how to feel, because never in my life I imagined something like that would even happen.

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