33 - Getting Through

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Leah's POV

The rest of the night was quiet and when I woke up the next morning, Jennifer was still asleep.

I looked at her face and admired her features. She truly is the most beautiful woman in the world. A light smile formed on her face. As long as she's asleep like that, she doesn't seem to be in pain.

The feeling of her being miserable, made my stomach turn everytime. I thought about how to make her feel any better. Maybe a change of location would be best. They lived here together and ultimately he raped her here. So everytime she'd be walking that hall she's going to be reminded.

I think the kids will be on a school break soon, so maybe I could take her somewhere nice to recover. Someplace warm and private, just the two of us.

But then I remembered the issue of her having much more money than I do, and I didn't wanted her to pay anything. No, this should be me doing something for her.

My jewelry business was thriving and I wasn't exactly broke anymore. Still I couldn't offer her what she's used to. I sighed.

„What's wrong baby?", I heard her sleepy voice. I noticed she was looking at me while I must've been staring into nowhere.

I closed my eyes for a second then opened them to focus my gaze on her face. I put my palm on her cheek that made her close her eyes.
„Nothing baby."
„But you seemed to be worried.", she opened her eyes and narrowed her eyebrows slightly.

„It's just... When are the kid's on school break again?"
„Mh, next week. Why?"

I brushed my thumb over her bottom lip and she smiled, then I rested my palm on the side of her head and started playing with her hair.

„Cause I thought maybe.. maybe it would be nice if we're going on a little vacation? Just the two of us..? So that you can.. you know... take your time and... recover." My heart was beating a little faster because I was scared of being rejected.

She looked at me for a while, saying nothing at all. I guess she was thinking about it.
„I guess I could ask Marc to take care of the kids for a week."

„So that's a yes?", I asked full of hope.
„Yes.", she whispered and smiled.

I leaned in and kissed her softly, then rested my head close to hers, so that our faces were now just inches away.

„What did you have in mind?", she asked me.
She nodded.
„I don't know yet. Somewhere warm... and solitary.. No people around catering to us.. No one watching..."

As I said that I remembered that Lucas has a friend who owns a house by the sea in Barbados. He's been there once and maybe I could get that.

„That sounds nice. Maybe I know a place where..."
I cut her off. „Let me, please."
„But a place like that is ex..."
„Eh eh eh...", I silenced her and kissed her again. „Let me, please."

When she got up a little while later, she left the bathroom door open, again. I didn't mind and if it makes her feel safe that was just fine for me.

We had breakfast downstairs and we sat on the corner of the table, so we could be close.

„How are you feeling today?", I asked her.
„Better. A little..." she leaned closer and whispered „a little sore.. you know." She looked down on herself.
I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed it very gentle.
„I know."

„Come work out with me, after breakfast.", she suggested.
„Are you sure you want to?"
„I do. I always feel good when I do."
„Come on...", she kept on going.
I'm sure she's gonna torture me like when we did that run around her house.
„Mhh nah, but I'll watch you.", I suggested.
She gave me a look.
„I'll take what I get.", she smiled softly at me.

She changed into yoga pants and a sports-bra and we went to her built-in gym.
Some old school hip-hop was blasting out of the speakers and she was focused on her exercises, while I watched her do her thing.

She was placing herself on a bench as she looked at me. „Can you help me out here?"
I walked over. „Put your hand right here," She put her own hand on her lower back, right above her ass. „And then hold me down, please."

I gulped. „A... alright." I did as she told and she started doing her exercise, where she's bending her upper body down with a weight in her hands.

„What are you doing there?", I asked her to distract myself from the view she gave me.
„You mean what's it called?", she asked not stopping what she's doing.
„Hyperextensions.", she said a little out of breath. She was really hitting it off.

My gaze was fixed at her ass. Can you blame me? Everytime she bent down it widened and everytime she went up it got firm and perfectly round. I wish I could've smack that but I held myself back. She's just sexy without even trying to be.

„A little harder, baby.", she pleaded.
Is she trying to kill me?
„What?", I asked.
„Your grip. You've loosened it, I'm bouncing."
„Oh, yeah, sure.", I increased pressure again.
God I can't be drooling over her in the situation we're in. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable under no circumstances. But she's not making this exactly easy for me.

She groaned and pushed herself up, then steadied herself with her hands on the bench.
„Let go, I'm done."
I did and she climbed off the bench, then hugged me.
„It's okay mami.", she said while hugging me.
„What do you mean?"
„You're not making me feel uncomfortable when you.. when you watch me a certain way."
She leaned back with her hands wrapped around my waist and smiled at me.
„Oh... that...", I replied shyly.
„Yeah... that. It's fine. It's you."

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her again. Jennifer took a deep breath and let herself fall a little more into my arms.

She went upstairs to shower and I grabbed my notebook to get some work done in the bedroom, while she showered. I just wanted to make sure she doesn't feel alone and it was important to me to be there, should she have a breakdown or anything.

I called Lucas, asking him for his friends contact and told him that I wanted to surprise Jennifer.
„I have a favor to call in on him anyways. Let me talk to him and I'll get back to you."
„You'd do that for me?"
„Of course honey! Just get me an interview with Jennifer one day."
I laughed. „I'll try."
„You know I'm kidding. I wouldn't mind though."
„I know babe."
Jennifer came out of the bathroom.
„Okay so... thank you and.. call me back asap, okay?"
„I will, love you."
„Love you."

I hung up.

„Who was that?", Jennifer asked and raised a brow at me.
„Just Lucas.."
„Oh god, I'm sorry."
„There are just two people in the world I say ‚I love you' to. And that's him and you, baby."
„I'm really sorry."
She said and crawled into bed.
„It's okay.", I smiled at her, then shifted focus to my notebook again.

„Can I just watch you while you work?", she asked and made herself comfortable.

I worked and she really just lied next to me and watched me writing emails and invoices as well as refine designs I was working on.

„You're sexy when you're focused.", she suddenly said and looked at me.
I turned my head. I'd be lying if I say I wasn't surprised to hear something like that from her now.

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