57 - Back Again

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Leah's POV

„Yes.. forgive me.", she repeated.
„For what?"
„Not letting you in. Not telling you about Marc in the first place. For shutting you out."

I felt relief. She didn't do anything stupid.
I pulled her into my arms again.
„Of course baby! Of course I can!" Still I was hurt, but having her back is all I ever wanted.

Jennifer sobbed and pushed her face into my neck. I could feel her nose and her lips on my skin and her breathing as well as her tears made my neck a little damp. One of her arms was wrapped around me, her other hand lingered on the bare skin of my neck, my hair was falling over it, while she softly ran her fingers over my skin. How I missed her there, her touch, her so close.

„Are you staying tonight?", I asked her.
„I'd love to. If you want me to."
I squeezed her even tighter.
„Of course I want you here."
„That's a little tight.", she said.
„Sorry.", I apologized softly and let her go.
„Don't let go. Hold me?", she asked still with tears in her eyes.

I took her back in my arms and she sighed in relief. „Mh...", she even mumbled. „That feels so good.", she whispered.
„It does.", I whispered back. „I thought I'd lost you."
„I thought I'd lost me too.", she replied.

„Let's go to your room.", she suggested.
I wrapped one arm around her shoulders, she wrapped hers around my waist and we walked to open the door.
When I opened it, I saw even more red roses. That and a few candles lit. My room looked like a scene straight out one of those cheesy romantic movies.

„Oh god.", I whispered and covered my mouth with my hand. „You're crazy.", I added.
„You love a little crazy, don't you?", she smiled at me.
I nodded yes. „I do."

She took my hand and led me to the bed, where she sat down on the edge. I wondered what she's doing or where this is going.

She moved to the head part of the bed and leaned on it, then opened her arms. „Come here, please."
I did as she asked and lied beside her, put my head on her shoulder so that my forehead touched her jawline. I wanted to smell her, take her in, crawl under her skin. The closest wasn't close enough for me.

Jennifer's POV

She's in my arms again and it felt nothing but good. I'm home here with her.

I kissed her on her forehead. Feeling her bare skin under my lips was amazing, even though it was just her forehead. Leah lifted her head and looked into my eyes. Then her eyes switched to my lips, then to my eyes again. They went back and forth, I know what she's thinking about.

„Can I... kiss you?", she asked carefully.
„Yes, please."
She leaned in closer and our lips touched. Like it used to be, a million butterflies were released inside my stomach, fluttering inside my whole body, making me feel tingly and excited. There wasn't a bad feeling or a feeling of doubt. Just happiness, relief and so much love that it feels like it'll be pouring out my body some way any minute. We kissed softly, both breathing shakily, every touch of her lips on mine send beautiful shudders through my body.

I broke the kiss and started sobbing. There it is, the love pouring out because I'm so full of it.
„Are you okay?", Leah asked worried.
„Yes.", I whispered. „I love you so much, Leah."

This time, Leah pulled me onto her chest. „I love you too, baby." I moved my head a little on her soft chest, smiling.

„How are your nightmares?"
„Still there, but not as often anymore."
„That's good. And how.. how did you and... Marc.. worked on it?"

I don't want to ruin the moment by telling her we slept in the same bed or about what happened before we left, that'll probably make her mad. Not probably but for sure. I wasn't even sure if I should tell her, because, does it really matter?

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