16 - Fallon

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Jennifer's POV

Leah stayed over night and it felt nice having her near me. I slept alone the last two nights and I just prefer someone sleeping next to me. It makes me feel safe and at ease.

I still couldn't grasp what she did to me. She knew I wasn't able to let go and she was able to make me surrender to her completely. I've never had that with anyone at the first time having sex.

I woke up because I felt a soft touch on my face.
„Mhh.", I muttered.
„Hi.", Leah whispered and ran her thumb along my jaw.

I opened my eyes and looked at her with a blurry vision, then I closed them again.

„I gotta leave.", she said.
I didn't want her to.

„Work. What are you up to today?"
„Fallon.", I mumbled.

„Jimmy Fallon.", I repeated
„You're going to Fallon as a... guest? To be interviewed?"

I chuckled softly. Her reaction is cute. „Mhmh."
„Wow, I love Jimmy. But... do you think it's.. smart?"
„Why shouldn't it be?"
„Because you just broke up with Alex and isn't he gonna ask questions?"
Leah sounded worried about it.

„Probably, yes.", I answered and opened my eyes to see her narrowing her eyebrows. „I'll be fine, Leah. I've been doing this for a while now."

„Still... I...", she started but stopped herself.

„You love Jimmy, huh?", I asked.
„Why don't you come with me then? They always save a seat in the audience for someone I want to bring."

Her mouth opened wide and I thought it was so cute.
„See it as a mental support for me.", I smiled.
She closed her mouth and fluttered with her eyes, giving me a look.
I laughed. „Alright.", she said.

„I'm going to Fallon tonight!". She sounded so excited and it made me smile.

She sat up, stretched herself and I could see she was still in her lingerie, while I was completely naked.

Images of last night flashed my mind and
made me a little hot and sweaty.

„I gotta go.", she said, picking up her clothes and started to dress herself.

„I'll pick you up at 4. Do you find your way out?", I asked and pulled the sheets up until I reached my chin.

„I will. So.. see you later.", she said, clearly unsure of how to say goodbye to me.

„Come here.", I said softly, holding one arm up.
She came and hugged me. Her hair fell into my face and tickled my nose. I liked the scent of it.

Leah's POV

As soon as I closed the door behind me when I got home, I heard Lucas yelling.


I shrugged.

„Where have you been?", he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

„Out.", I said shortly. I can't tell him, although I wish I could scream it into the world when at the same time, it was nice to hold this sweet secret between me and her.

„You're wearing yesterdays clothes and you've been out for dinner with J.Lo.", he kept pushing.

I forgot that I was with a girl who is followed around constantly.

„We watched a movie and it got late.", I lied.

„A movie?" I knew he didn't believe me, but he didn't believe that there was something going on either, because that would be too crazy, right?

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