67 - A Gift

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Jennifer's POV

I knocked at Emme's door with JLo beauty masks and mocktails in my hands.
„Come in.", Emme said and I opened up.
She was doing homework on her desk.

„What are you up to?", she eyed me up and down.
„You up for a little momma-daughter time?", I asked her.
Emme smiled. „Sure, mom."

We sat on her bed and put our masks on. Emme told me about the music she likes and we listened to some of it. I felt really close to her, which I had missed.

„I'm so proud of you. You know that right? I love you. Always.", I smiled at her and put my hand on her curly hair.
Emme smiled back, then bit her lip and somehow seemed nervous. She sipped on her mocktail.

„Mom? I...."
„What is it baby?"
„I.. uhm... do you remember Leandra?"
„Of course I do.", I smiled and sipped on my drink.

„She's uhm... we're kinda like... together..?", she said, narrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips.
„You're WHAT?", I exclaimed louder than I wanted to. I was shocked, of course. I didn't know Emme was in love or is already old enough to be with someone.

„She's kinda... my girlfriend?", she said in a sweet voice.
„Emme Maribel! You're thirteen!", I lowered my voice but Emme knew from my expression that I was overwhelmed with this information, but she also knew I wasn't mad at her.

„I'll be fourteen next month, momma.", she said.
„Right.", I said. „Fourteen, oh my god. So you're.. a couple?" I tried to remember my first boyfriend. Did I start this young? I've had crushes but.. an actual boyfriend? I think I had my first at around 17. But I was kind of a late comer on that matter.

Emme nodded. „She's really nice and we really like to hang out."
„Hang out?", I raised my brows. When did I have my first kiss... first sex?
„Mom!", she knew what I was thinking and it was clearly uncomfortable for her.

At least I wouldn't have to tell her about pregnancy, if she's with a girl. Not that she doesn't know already about how to protect and stuff, I was always very open about that. But I would've still reminded her, because well... that's what moms do.

„You can invited her over if you like. I'd like to get to know her.", I grabbed her hand and smiled.
Emme smiled back and then we talked about random stuff again, although the thought of my baby having a girlfriend didn't leave me. I just didn't want to annoy her with that, I was happy she came to me and told me, so I wasn't gonna test my luck.

Later that evening, I was standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Leah came inside.
She smacked my ass hard, then kissed my shoulder. I shook my head and smiled. After I spat out the toothpaste and put my toothbrush back in place, I turned to her. She was getting her hair tie out of her hair.

„Do you remember Leandra? The girl that came to us at the restaurant.. Where Emme spend New Years."
„Sure I do.", she said pulling the tie out of her hair and her hair fell down.
„Emme and her are a couple."
Leah started brushing her hair.
„They are?", she raised her voice in surprise. Although, it seemed kinda off to me.
„Yes.", I said, squinting my eyes at her.
„Wow, I didn't know she was into girls at all."

The way her voice sounded... definitely off.
She's just such a bad liar.
„You knew!", I raised my voice a little and pointed my finger at her.

Leah made a face.

„You knew and you didn't tell me!"

Leah scrunched up her nose.
„Okay yes, I knew she likes her!"
„For how long?"
„Right before New Year's Eve. Look. I noticed she was sad and asked, so she told me. She asked me to keep quiet, what was I supposed to do?"
I pouted a little. „I'm her mom. She knows she can tell me everything. Why didn't she tell me?"

Leah walked over and cupped my face.
„Maybe she doesn't want to tell you everything, baby. She's a teenager."
„How long are they together?"
„Like a week or something."
„She told you that too?"

Leah kissed me.
„Yes. But she said she wanted to tell you herself, and that's what she did, right?"

I nodded. „I'm glad she trusts you." I hugged Leah.

„Wait... Did they kiss? I mean how... what are they doing, as a couple?", I asked and leaned back a little.
Leah chuckled.
„Don't worry. As far as I know, they're holding hands."
„That's it?", I asked and made a face.
„That's it. From what she tells me, at least."
I laughed a little. All this worry. Motherhood is a crazy ride. I hugged Leah again.
„Thank you baby."

Leah moved her hands down to my lower back, then she put pressure on it and moved it up again. She had a strong hold on my upper back and leaned forward and to the side, so that she held me in her arms like in those cheesy romantic movies, and kissed me.

I smiled against her lips, then she lost balance and we fell on the floor laughing, while Leah landed on top of me and I fell on my ass.

„Ouch mami.", I said, rubbing my buttock, laughing.
„I'm sorry baby.", she apologized and kissed me, then moved her hands to my ass, where I just had rubbed it. She squeezed it.
„Ouch!", I said again, slightly laughing. Leah smiled and kissed me again, then squeezed my ass a little harder while we kissed, so my complaints about it hurting vanished inside her mouth.

My complaints turned into lustful giggles.
„That ass is just too fine not to squeeze it, baby.", Leah said, roaming her hand over my ass as she clearly enjoyed the curvy ride it offered.

„Squeeze it a little more.", I said seductively.
She did and earned a soft moan from me.
„Like that?", she asked.
„Uh-huh. More.", I said and kissed her.

Leah smiled and did what I asked. We loved each other on the bathroom floor, our bodies devouring one another in endless love and lust for each other.

Leah's POV

In February it was the twins birthday and Jennifer gifted them the jewelry I made for them. I felt so emotional when they opened it and started to tear up when I saw their happy faces.

That jewelry right there, is where it all started. Well, the necklace I made her started it, but her asking me to do their gifts was it that made us spend time together and to ultimately become a couple. I thought it was impossible, I mean... who in their right mind would've thought..
And everything we went through, all the ups and downs, the break-ups...

I tried so hard to hold back my tears, but they were eventually streaming down my face despite all the effort I made, to hold them back. At least I could keep it quiet.

Emme looked at me. „Leah, why are you crying?"
I turned away and sobbed. I didn't wanted to draw the attention on me, it's their day. They were sitting on the couch, Jennifer was kneeling in front of them on the floor while I was standing slightly behind her.

I buried my face inside my palms and desperately tried not to sob uncontrollably by taking deep but shaky breaths. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
„Mami, what is it?", Jennifer spoke softly to me.
I'm not the type to break down in tears. Jennifer's the emotional one, I'm the strong one.

She gently rubbed my back, then hugged me from behind. I felt more hands touching me, then another body against mine. Emme hugged my front. Another body joined us. Max hugged my side and I sobbed and sobbed, but smiled through it.

„I love you all so much.", I managed to say after a while. „And I feel so blessed to be spending your birthday with you."

„That's why you're crying so bad?", Max asked and let go of me. Emme did the same and Jennifer took her spot.
„Partly.", I said and smiled. „Seeing you getting that jewelry, made me reminisce how your mom and I met and everything we went through. And it got me so emotional."

„Oh mami.", Jennifer said, placed a soft kiss on my lips, then hugged me tight.
„I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry."
„It's okay.", she said and gently touched my cheek with her palm.

„Oh.", Max simply replied. „I love the necklace and the ring. And you." He said that so simply like it was nothing although it means so much. That's just him.

„And I love you, papa.", I said. „And you too, baby.", I said looking at Emme.

Jennifer hugged me again and I inhaled her scent and let my fingers gently brush over her delicate neck. This is home.

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