68 - Birthdays and Heartbreaks

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Jennifer's POV

Living with Leah is better than I imagined. It's like living with your best friend, but also with your lover and especially with someone who just gets you all the time. It's crazy and I'm not sure if that's a girl and girl thing or a Leah thing.

We planned our trip to Italy after my birthday. It would be our one year anniversary too, since we got together a few weeks after my birthday.

But first it was Leah's birthday. I threw her a small surprise party. Not many people, just a few. Some of my friends which are her's now as well and some of her friends. I rented a small club in New York. She had no idea and after we had dinner with the kids, they went to Lupe to spend the night, while I told Leah I wanted to take her for a few drinks.

I handed her a small, long giftbox while we were driven to the location.
She smiled and opened it. Her fingers brushed over the black silky fabric, then she held it up.

„Ah blindfold? Ugh, baby.", she smiled and bit her bottom lip playfully.
I let her believe I'm up to naughty stuff.
„Turn around.", I said, layed the blindfold over her eyes and tied a knot on the back of her head.

She seemed excited. I brushed over her naked thighs with two fingers. Leah took a shaky breath. The poor thing thinks I'm doing her now. But while we're here... why not.

I pressed the button to close the window between us and our driver, then slid between her legs and brushed over her panties. She was already wet. I started rubbing her while I kissed her soft lips, then took my kisses to her neck and chest and slipped her panties aside.

After circling around a little, I inserted two fingers inside her and played around a little.
„Get on all fours on the seat, mami.", I whispered into her ear.
„This way.", I guided her to face the window and pushed her dress up so her ass and her dripping pussy are right in my face.

I started eating her out while I put one arm around her hips to reach her clit from the front.
I was working her until she was a hot moaning mess and came on my mouth and fingers. Licking her clean while she whimpered was pure pleasure.

It was then, when I realized we had already stopped, I just don't know for how long. I dressed Leah properly again and made her sit, then quickly fixed my makeup while Leah was still a little overwhelmed.

„You're amazing. That's the best birthday I ever had.", she said, still blindfolded.
„And it's not over yet.", I said.
I opened up the door, then helped Leah out.

„Where are we?", she asked.
„It's a secret."
„Are you taking me somewhere kinky?"
I chuckled.
„Because I could use some more of what you just..."
I interrupted her. „No. It's better."
I said and entered the club where everybody was quietly waiting.

„Better than what you just did to me? Uh, baby."

Great. I bit my lip and shook my head, laughing. I could see some people holding their laughs back, so I shrugged my shoulders sweetly, as if I was saying „what? we just had some fun.".

Then I stood behind Leah and mouthed: „One, two...", then took her blindfold off at „..three!!"
while everybody was yelling „surpriseeee!" and the DJ put on Stevie Wonders „happy birthday". She loves that song.

Leah covered her mouth with her palm, then she fell into my arms.
„You're crazy. I love you!"
„Happy Birthday baby."

We had so much fun with everybody and we danced and kissed and I let her fuck me in the bathroom at one point.
You could say it was a perfect day.

We stayed a few days in New York, then went back home again.

I was reading through my lines for the new movie I'd start to shoot in September and was into getting into character, thinking about a background story for her so I could get deeper and really get her, in order to play her the best I could, when I heard the kids coming home.

I heard loud footsteps and a sob, so I got up and started looking for them. I only found Max, who has just closed the door.
„Hi papi, what's up?", I asked him.
He shrugged his shoulders.
„I don't know, Emme's acting weird. She seems pissed at me, but she's also sad, I guess."

Oh no.
„Okay, I'll go check on her.", I said and kissed his forehead.

I knocked carefully.
„NO!", I heard Emme yelling. From the sound of her voice I could tell she is crying.
I sighed. My poor baby.

„Emme please. Just let me comfort you."
„Whatever.", she said, so I entered.

She was lying on her stomach on her bed, her face buried between her arms while her back was trembling.
I sat next to her and put my palm on her back, then gently caressed her.
„Want a hug?", I asked.

Emme sat up, her face was wet from crying and just like it happens to me when I cry, the tip of her nose was red.
I pulled her into my embrace and held her close, while she was crying.

My feeling told me, her heart was broken, but I didn't ask. I waited until she was ready.
And after a while she confirmed what in my heart, I already knew.
„Leandra broke up with me."
‚That bitch.', I thought to myself.

„I'm so sorry baby..", I whispered and caressed her head and her curls.
„Apparently, she's not into girls.", Emme sobbed into my shoulder.

I held her even tighter. „She told you that at school today?"
Emme nodded.
„Oh baby."

I comforted her as she kept on crying. My heart broke a little bit too.

„I'm okay now, mom..", she said after a while.
„Are you sure?"
„Mhmh. I wanna be alone."
„Okay baby. If you need anything, let me know. And baby? She doesn't even deserve you.", I said and softly brushed my fingers along her jawline, lifting her head up.
Emme smiled a little.

As soon as I was out the door I heard music coming out of her room. Just like me, she's wallowing in the pain sad love songs provide in situations like these. I wish I could do more. From time to time I checked on her, brought her food and hot chocolate and I felt she's getting better by the minute.

A week later she was more or less over it. Still sad, but not heartbroken anymore. That's the good thing about young love. Heartbreaks seem to be coped with easier.

A week later we celebrated my birthday. Leah surprised me with handcuffs and a new toy in the morning and with a beautiful bracelet, golden and delicate with two very small diamonds attached to it and also a J and an L next to them. It was beyond beautiful and my life couldn't be better right now.
„You're the light of my life.", I told her later that day and we shared a deep kiss.

Leah's POV

„It's beautiful.", I held the ring between my fingers and looked at it carefully. A tear dwelled up in my eye and my heart started beating fast.
„You like it, Miss Remini?", the jeweler asked.
„I love it."

I worked on this design for a while and made the ring myself, he just had to cut the diamond and put it in to complete it.

At home I sneaked in as quietly as I could and looked for the kids. I found Emme and Max in Max' room, playing switch.

„Can I bother you guys for a second?"

They paused their game. „Sure.", Max' said.
I closed the door behind me and sat on the floor next to them.

„So uhm...", I felt like I had lost my words. Normally I don't run out of words easily.

„What is it, Leah?", Max asked.
I pulled the dark green colored ring box out of my pocket, showed them and opened it.

Emme opened her mouth and covered it with her palms.
„Is that...?", she asked.
„..an engagement ring?", Max finished her sentence.

„Yes.", I said with a trembling voice.
„I want to ask your mom to marry me. If that's... if that's okay with you?"

They both looked at me in awe and I knew they appreciated me asking them.
„Of course it is, we love you!", Emme said and Max smiled.
„When are you going to ask her?", Max asked.
I closed the box and put it back in my pocket.
„In Italy.", I smiled.
„Oh my god, that's so exciting!", Emme said.
„I need you guys to keep this to yourselves okay? Not a word to anybody, please."
„Of course!", Max said, put his thumb and his index finger together and zipped his mouth close, then threw an imaginary key over his shoulder.

I laughed a little, then hugged them. Now I needed to keep quiet and not let her sense anything different in my behavior.

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