69 - Impossible

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Leah's POV

I took her to the Tuscany, where I had rented a nice house for the two of us. It had all the necessary amenities, a gym for my baby and a pool to relax in.
It was uphill and secluded. A quiet getaway.

She loved it. On our second day we went to a restaurant and I thought about popping the question there. I knew she got some amazing proposals and I also knew she said „no" to at least two, which scared me a little.
What if it was too soon? What if she felt pressured?

I just carried the ring everywhere, because I wanted to ask her when the moment feels right. No big fuss.

We sat down and people immediately started whispering and looking. The staff came and sang to Jennifer, which was nice until they didn't wanted to stop and it became unpleasant. I know they meant to be nice but I just wanted to enjoy the moment with her, get into deep conversations, be romantic, flirt with her.

When they were finally done, my mood was at the bottom of my socks.
Jennifer noticed quickly, as I'm not one to hide my emotions very well.

„What is it baby?", she asked and let her foot slide up my leg, as she was sitting across from me.
I rolled my eyes. „It's just.. I'm just bummed because I wanted you to myself... and then they sang for an eternity and it just killed my mood, I don't know."

„You have me now. And tonight. And forever.", she said sweetly and grabbed my hand on the table.
That cheered me up and made me more hopeful that she'd say yes if I manage to ask her. But tonight wasn't the night.

The next day we decided to relax by the pool, so „you can have me to yourself, all day all night.", Jennifer said.
‚And for the rest of our life's.', I thought to myself.

We facetimed the kid's.
„Hiiii, how are youu?", Emme stretched her words as if she's expecting good news.
I widened my eyes and pursed my lips to make her shut up and hoped Jennifer wouldn't notice.
„We're good?", she said suspiciously, raising a brow.
„How's school?", I asked and we chit-chatted a little until we said our goodbyes.
„Have a GREAT evening.", Emme said. That girl... But our stay in Italy was only a few days long and I hoped to enjoy a couple of days as fiancés at least.

So that evening I decided to do it.
I brought her outside where I had prepared a bed out of big and small cushions and wood for a fire. Also I put up a speaker and let slow music play.
Jennifer was wearing a simple and loose white dress, while I was wearing long and wide beige pants with a matching shirt.

I had some trouble getting the fire to light up, and once I did, the smoke burned in our eyes. What a great start. Thankfully the wind turned and we were getting comfy on my selfmade bed out of cushions.

„Champagne?", I asked her, hoping she would accept. And no, I did not plan to put the ring in her glass.
„Yeah sure.", she smiled and I handed her a glass, put mine between my legs and attempted to open the bottle. Which turned out to be a rather difficult task.
„That damn thing won't open.", I pressed out between my lips, trying to loosen the cork.
„Want me to try?", she offered her help.

Finally that stupid cork popped out, but with such pressure that I wasn't able to hold it. The pop of the bottle was followed by Jennifer yelling „ouch!!". She held her palm to her eye.

„Oh god!" I immediately set the bottle aside to look at her face, removed her hand from her face and took a closer look.
„It hit you there?", I asked and touched a slightly red spot on the edge of her eyebrow.
She nodded and clenched her teeth at my touch.
„I'm so sorry baby, want me to get some ice?"
„No, I think it's gonna be fine."

I straightened up and kissed the spot, then down her cheek until our lips met.
„Are you sure you're alright?", I asked.
„I'm okay.", she smiled and kissed me back.

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