63 - A Secret

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Leah's POV

Before New Years I had moved in. Jennifer was working in her office and I happened to walk past the kid's rooms, when I heard a soft sob, coming from Emme's room.

I knocked carefully, then opened up and slowly peeked inside. Emme was on her bed, wiping away a tear when she saw me.
„Hey baby...", I softly said. The habit of calling everyone baby seemed to had transferred to me as well, hearing Jennifer say it all the time.
„Can I come in?", I asked. Emme nodded and I walked inside, closed the door and sat on her bed.
„Wanna talk about it?", I asked.
Emme sighed and wiped away another tear.

„You know you can, right? I'm here for you.", I said. „And I also won't tell your mom if you don't want me to.", I whispered and winked softly.

Emme looked up and chuckled a little.
„I don't know.", she said.
„You don't have to."

„There's this... someone, at school. My friend, actually. And I... I think.. I'm in...", she exhaled loudly.
Emme nodded.
„Is this the first time you feel that way for someone?"
She nodded again.
„Did you tell your friend?"

„Did anything else happen?"
„Then why you're crying baby?", I asked and put my hand on her shoulder."
Emme shrugged her shoulders.

„Is it just a bit much?", I asked.
„I guess so... Leah, you and mom were friends before, right?"
„Then how'd you both know there was more?"

„I knew almost right away, before we became friends. And your mom... hm."
I made her addicted to my touch, I thought to myself, but that's not something I could tell her or that would help her.
„The more time we spend together, the more she knew too.", I tried it that way.
„But how did you.. you know.. became a couple?"

„I kissed her when I thought she was ready.", I said. „But that doesn't mean you should... you know, just go ahead and kiss people. Don't do that!" Oh god, Jennifer's gonna kill me. Maybe I suck at giving minors advice.

„Yes baby?"
„It's... it's a girl."
„How do you know if a girl likes you? I mean she could not be into girls at all! Most likely."
I smiled softly. „Right. Your mom never was into girls, was she?"

I smiled a little more.
„The point is, you never know. Either someone likes you that way, or they don't. If you want to, find out, talk to her. Means you could get hurt. Or you could get really lucky."

I see how this must be worse for a teenager, when everything is overwhelming and complicated enough, but falling in love out of the „regular", is even harder, because you feel different than everybody else.

Emme sighed again.
„I know it's hard. Just know that you're perfect the way you are. Never forget that baby. Even if someone doesn't love you back the way you love them. Not everyone matches and that's to find out. It's a beautiful, crazy and sometimes painful journey. And I'm always here if you need to talk. And so is your mom. Okay?"

I softly grabbed her chin. „Okay.", she said and smiled at me. Then we hugged.

„Thank you, Lee. And please... don't tell mom about it."
„Promise.", I said, not a hundred percent sure if I could keep that promise.

I mean do you tell a little bit? Nothing? She's her mom. But Emme's wish needs to be respected too.

I decided that that's a tomorrow problem or maybe even a next year problem and that I won't think about it today.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve and we're having a little party. Not too many people, just a couple of friends, well, mostly Jennifer's friends since I'm not as social as she is.

I went downstairs to her office and peeked inside. She turned around in her chair and smiled at me, then turned back around as she spoke on her phone.

„Okay... no no no I don't want that. You think so? I'll think about it. Yes, we're going to try that just let it be send to me and I'll tell you what we think about it. Thank you baby, see you tomorrow."

She hung up and I hugged her from behind.
„Mh.", she hummed, feeling my embrace.
„Are you done for today? You shouldn't be working at all baby.", I spoke softly.
„That was Benny. He's going to send us some JLo beauty stuff over for us to try and look at the packaging."
„I can try too?", I asked excited.
„Of course baby." Jennifer chuckled softly.

I let my hands glide over her chest and grabbed her boobs and she tilted her head back.
„Your boobs are perfect. Just like the rest of you.", I said, then let her boobs go and spun her around to kiss her.

„Have you talked to the kids? What are they doing?"
„No.", I lied. „I guess they're in their rooms."

„Let's go out.", Jennifer suggested.
„Yeah, to the mall or something."
„Are you sure?", I asked, because I didn't want her to be harassed by paparazzi or people in general.

„Yes. Come on, let's get ready.", she pecked my lips and got up.

Half an hour later, I was in the bathroom when I hear her yell from downstairs.

I was fixing my mascara so I couldn't talk.
She was ready before I was, that's gotta be a first.
„Mami?", she sounded impatient. „MAMITA!", she now yelled.

I was already on my way and smiled at her yelling for me.

„Mamita? I like that.", I said and walked downstairs where her and the kids were already waiting.
„There you are.", she said and grabbed my hand.

Earlier I could've convince her to at least take one of her security guards with us. We didn't go to the mall, just went from store to store outside, because we thought it would cost less stir around us and it worked out pretty well. The kids found a game store and we went inside.

„Mom!! Look! That's the new game I was talking about, can I have it? Pleaseee?", Max begged and held up a game for his switch.

„Lemme see.", Jennifer said.
„I'll be right back.", I said and went outside, because I spotted a lingerie shop before. I picked out a black set for me and a pink and white one for Jennifer, then went back outside. She and the kids were just coming out of the store, the kids with a bag each, smiling.

„What have you been doing?", she asked me and pecked my lips.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and said: „Got a little something for us, I'll show you at home."

She smiled at me and kissed the side of my neck as I giggled.

„Can we have pizza?", Emme asked.
„Oh yes, can we?", I chipped in.
Jennifer laughed and we went to the car.
„Okay. Let's have pizza."

We drove to her favorite italian restaurant and were brought to a secluded table. We just looked at the menue when someone came up to our table.

„Hi Emme.", the girl said.
„Oh hi Le.", Emme replied and I noticed her blushing a little.
„Mom, Leah, that's Leandra, my friend from school."
„Nice to meet you.", we said in unison and the girl seemed a little shy to talk to Jennifer.

Leandra showed Emme something on her phone and they both laughed, then she said goodbye and went back to her table again.

I leaned closer to Emme to whisper in her ear.
„Is that her?"
Emme just nodded.
„She seems nice."
Emme blushed again.

„What are you two whispering?", Jennifer raised a brow at us.
„Nothing!", Emme said quickly and nudged me a little.
I pursed my lips not to laugh at so much cuteness.
„Will you tell me, please?", Jennifer demanded.
„No.", Emme and I both said.

Jennifer frowned and pouted, then she leaned in to talk to me directly.
„You will, right?"
„No.", I said again and winked at Emme who smiled.
„You'll pay for that later, you know that?", Jennifer threatened me quietly.
„I don't mind.", I smiled and looked at the menu again.

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