come and go, but stay | kaldur'ahm

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Pairing: Kaldur'ahm X Reader, au--takes place after Season 2 but no mentions of Season 3, slight age up

Genre: Lots of angst (some lack of communication), slight suggestive at one scene, happy ending

Word Count: 3.7K

Note: Hi! Just a reminder, it has been ages since I've written on Wattpad (but I have kept writing) so my writing is different from previous pieces in this book. I really enjoyed writing out this idea so I hope you guys will enjoy reading! Please feel free to leave your opinions and such in the comments if you enjoy, it would mean a lot to me! : )

Date Published: 3.17.2023

Gist: Living by the beach, a lover that comes and goes has been enough for you. Until it's not.


There is something magical in living by the sea. Waking up to see the sun barely rising over the water, witnessing the way the sun slowly starts to warm up the day, and feeling the gentle chill that the breeze brings as it enters the open window and ruffles the curtains lightly.

Moving to a house by the sea is not something you've ever regretted. But with time comes change, and perhaps the reason for your move is beginning to sour.

Five years ago you got this house and settled in beside your lover. It was an arrangement you had agreed to and were content with. An easier place for you to be as his time was split between two worlds: the sea and the surface land.

It was a sacrifice you were willing to make, shortening the distance between your long distance relationship. He would come and go, like the breeze. One day you were wrapped in his strong arms, the heat of his body against yours. The next you'd feel the gentle kiss on your forehead as you swayed between sleep and consciousness, waking up to empty sheets and the faint scent of your lover slowly fading away. And it was enough.

But you were younger--maybe more foolish in your love--willing to take more risks and believing that love alone could beat anything and everything.

But five years and less than half that time spent with someone you called your other half, doesn't quite add up to what it used to be.

The time he spent with you and away from you was even at first. One month gone, one month back, two months gone, two months back. Until two months gone became a month and a half back, three months gone became two back, and his time between the sea and the surface land became unequal.

He'd be gone for months on end, only to return for a couple of weeks and leave you once again.

There used to be a certain thrill to it. To come home after a long day of work and find your lover on the couch with dinner on the stove. To feel the want in his touches and the heavy yearning pressed against your lips. The passion, the love, the urgency of time on a clock ticking with an end looming over your head. A cycle that goes on and on, a certain spontaneity in the stability of a house, yet the changing of presence.


Taking a sip of the milkshake in front of you, you smile as Artemis finishes catching you and Zatanna up on what's been going on in her life. It isn't often that you get to hang out with your friends, but it's always a good time with them.

"So, how are things with you and Kaldur?" Artemis' eyebrows raise suggestively as she pops the cherry from her milkshake into her mouth.

The smile slips from your lips and both of your friends feel the change in the air.

Shaking your head lightly, "I don't," you start, but don't finish. Letting out a sigh, you avoid eye contact with either of them as the hollow feeling of your chest that they had been filling appears again.

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