First Fight+He Accidentally Hits You ~ Superboy (Conner Kent)

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Superboy (Conner Kent) :

You two had been arguing for the past hour about M' Gann. It looked like they were getting all comfortable the other day and she being his ex did not make you feel any better. 

"I'm not doing anything with her! I'm dating you!" He shouted, his temper taking over. You scoffed, "So if I wasn't in the way you'd be with her, wouldn't you?" You glared at him. "No! No, that's not what I meant," Conner shouted at you. "Then what did you mean?" you asked in a scarily low voice, sending shivers down his back. His eyes hardened and he shouted so loud you could probably hear it throughout the whole cave. "WHY ARE YOU SO WORRIED! DON'T YOU TRUST ME!? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME." He was making a lot of hand gestures, waving his hands all around the air. It was not a surprise when his right hand smacked you on your cheek, causing you to stumble back and clutch your face. His eyes immediately softened, turning apologetic as he was hit with guilt. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" He left you no time to talk as he pulled you closer to examine your face. He looked into your eyes and rubbed his thumb under your eye gently. "I'm sorry baby. You know I didn't mean to hurt you," he told you softly making you feel guilty. "I'm sorry Conner. It was all my fault. I- I was getting insecure and I......I pushed your's okay, I deserved it anyways," you said, turning away. "No no no. You have nothing to be sorry about babe. This was my fault too.....and don't you try and argue with me" (just don't, seriously you'll lose) he told you, lifting your chin so you were looking at him. "I love you," you whispered softly, closing your eyes. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a short sweet kiss.

Woot woot! Two updates in a day. I hope you enjoyed this, just as much as I enjoyed typing it! Have a beautiful day/night/evening! Thanks for reading!

     -mgBookLover out

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