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Hello dear readers that are still here; I just wanted to explain myself and why I haven't been writing a lot recently.

I have been feeling as if I do not put enough emotion into my writing. I don't really feel any strong emotion or emotions when I write something [currently] and it really blinds me from seeing if I really made the imagine in the way that I want it. I feel as if I am not writing at my best and I am having major writer's block.

I have the ideas, the words just don't flow out the way I want them to.

I am sorry for all of the slower updates; I know that I was always a slow updater and now I'm just extremely slow, and I feel bad about that.

Thank you to all of you who have read my book and voted and commented; it all makes me feel warm inside. I get a really fuzzy feeling in my heart and it just brings a smile to my face because I feel so proud that people like my writing.

I want to shake this writer's block feeling off, but it just seems to cling onto me tightly, suffocating me until all I feel is bad.

I am going to be taking a break (even though I basically have already started the break since long ago) from this book until I feel better and am able to write comfortably.

Sorry for all of this nonsense, I hope it is all over soon.

Hopefully I will gain inspiration from Season 3 of YJ when it comes out.

But until I gain inspiration and take back my emotions, I'll be gone.

Again thank you all so much for reading this, I am extremely sorry for this occurrence.

I wish you all the best, and happy holidays if you celebrate.

Until next time.

~mgBookLover out <3

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