In Too Deep~ Wally Tribute Poem

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My heart still hurts since the day you "died",

I'm convinced you are still alive and swear I saw you the other day,

Grinning that grin you always wore,

Dick says I need help,

And maybe he's right,

But I just can't get over you,

Can't move on,

No matter how hard I try, I really do, but it's no use,

Without you I feel empty, empty and cold

I see the looks of pity I receive from the others,

The same look I see in the mirror.

And even though we weren't even dating- never dated

I can't help but feel like I've lost you

I wonder if Artemis feels the same, or worse

You loved her, never me, but I always loved you and always will love you, Wallace West

I met you when you comforted me for the first time, becoming my friend in the process

And I liked you

Because you didn't look at me weirdly

And you never judged me

Even when I told you about my fandoms that others would call stupid

Even when I cried because I failed science, the class you always got an A on

Instead, you listened, and helped me however you could

So when you called me at three in the morning, talking about some girl you liked, asking for advice

My heart shattered,

Into tiny pieces

But I helped you anyways, because we were friends and that's what friends do

And that's when I realized we would always be just friends

And realized that I loved you,

When I was in too deep.

I'm on the last episode of Young Justice again....

   -mgBookLover escorted out.

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