Leaving~Red Hood|Jason Todd

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Jason Todd X Female Reader

I promise that not all of my imagines are X Female Readers, I try to make the reader gender neutral, I apologize to any person reading this that is not female.

"I'm not sure I can do this anymore" Jason blurted out as he stared blankly at the television.

"Wait w-what?" I asked as I sat up on the couch and stared at him in confusion.

He sighed and avoided eye contact with me, "I can't do this anymore Y/n".

And with that he stood up and walked to our shared bedroom.

My heart began to beat faster and I started to breath heavily as my eyes watered.

I heard shuffling and a zipper before I heard what sounded like Jason shoving his things into a bag.

I stood up and walked to stiffly to the door.

I watched as Jason shoved all of his things into a duffel bag and swallowed the lump that had grown in my throat.

He glanced at me with a grimace and quickly zipped up the bag, placing it over his shoulder.

"J-just like that?" I asked as my bottom lip began to quiver.

"Y/n" he sighed, frowning at me, "you knew it was going to happen sooner or later".

I looked down in embarrassment, letting out a quiet sob as I nodded.

Of course it was going to happen sooner or later, I was just me and Jason was perfect.

"I- I didn't mean it like that" he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Look I should have never been in a relationship with you in the first place- but I guess everyone makes mistakes" Jason spoke bluntly.

It hurt, to have him say that I was a mistake- those three year we spent together was a mistake; all the good times and hard things we went through together, all of it a mistake.

But I should have noticed the little things.

How he was gone most of the time, spaced out frequently when I was talking, and how he kissed me less; his kisses now being quick, rushed as if he was trying to get it over with.

Tears were rapidly streaming down my face as I tried my best to wipe them away to at least try to look strong, but it didn't work. You can't pretend to be something you're not.

I cleared my throat as I let out a shaky breath.

"I h-hope you have a n-nice life" I choked out through the sobs.

Jason frowned and stared at me intently, "Why aren't you yelling at me? Why don't you hate me!?".

I flinched as he rose his voice but I knew I had to give him an answer or he would be upset, and I didn't want him to be upset.

"I...I'm never going to hate you Jay-son" I spoke correcting myself at the end. We weren't lovers anymore, I couldn't- shouldn't call him that.

"I-I love you" I confessed, watching as his eyes widened and he took a step back.

"B-but I'm not gonna stop you from leaving, I won't hold you back- as m-much as it pains me. I just w-wanted you to know" I told him, as I tried to swallow the sobs.

Jason looked like he wanted to say something but closed his mouth and gave me a nod as he turned around and left.

Sobs wracked through my body as I watched him leave, closing the door behind him.

I fell to my knees and frantically wiped at my face, but it was no use the tears did not stop.

My heart felt empty, but I got up and walked to the bathroom, sitting on the closed toilet.

I put my head in my hands as my elbows rested on my knees.

I let out a deep breath as I tried to control my breathing.

I took a few deep breaths and let a sad smile tug at my lips as I had managed to stop crying.

I stood up and opened a drawer as I looked for a hair tie, but my heart sank as I caught sight of what was inside.

It lay there, facing me tauntingly as a reminder of what I had wanted to tell Jason.

It was positive.

This was kind of trash but I kind of liked it???

I hope you enjoyed this imagine, and  thank you so so much for reading.

As always, I wish you the best day!


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