Beginning~ Kid Flash|Wally West

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N/n : Nick name

Warning: Slightly inappropriate [mentions/brief memory of caught intercourse, nothing nsfw]
First Person Point of View

I dialed Wally's number and pressed the phone against my ear with my shoulder, while typing away on my computer.

"Hey N/n" Wally answered, breathlessly.

"Hey, are you alright"?

"Yeah, just uh- exercising".

"Oh... um, alright. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be home later than usual, my boss is being extra snappy today".

"Oh- uh" he cleared his throat, "Oh, well get home safely."

"Uh, yeah...thanks. Bye."

"Bye" Wally quickly spoke, hanging up first.

I sighed as my eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. Could it be that....? No, Wally would never cheat on me, again.

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of those horrible thoughts and memories. However they were here to stay.

I walked into my apartment after a long day of work. The first thing I noticed was all the lights were off. I turned the living room light on, and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I heard sounds coming from the bedroom. I slowly walked towards the door, trying to figure out what it was, however my brain quickly processed what it was. Moans. I was already in a bad mood, but now, I was hurt.

I threw open the door. I knew what to expect but the sight before me, it shattered my heart. Tears leaked out of my eyes and I scoffed before turning around, speed walking out of the room. I heard Wally scramble up from the bed and quickly pick up his clothes.

My arms were crossed against my chest as I stared out of the window, the tears still rapidly flowing down my cheeks. I heard the girl whine as Wally pushed her out of our shared apartment. "Why kick her out, if you had no problem bringing her in" I spoke angrily.

I immediately shut my eyes tightly, trying to forget. At the end I forgave Wally (after his desperate pleas), but our relationship was no longer the same. My trust in him had died. So I simply had told him he had to earn it back, even if he does get it, it will not be the same. Doubts about myself cloud over my mind because of his choice of actions and I know my trust in him will never be fully back.

I sighed as I took my keys out of my jacket pocket and inserted it inside the lock. I twisted it open and stepped inside of the apartment. I set my book bag down on the floor gently and opened my mouth to call out for Wally, before I realized if he was cheating on me I couldn't let him know I was here- give him an advantage, he could quickly go back to normal as if nothing happened.

So I walked towards the bedroom door and

grew angry as I heard it. I angrily kicked the door open. My face grew red in pure rage as I saw Wally and Artemis on the bed. Artemis quickly sat up to cover up her chest and shock was evident on her face.

I angrily marched in and violently threw a suitcase on the floor. I opened every drawer and closet door, taking all of my belongings and shoving them inside of the suitcase.

"No" Wally whispered as he realized what was happening. I had finally cracked. He had pushed and prodded at me too hard, until this point: I was leaving. I was tired. I was done.

"Yes" I spoke with no emotion, as I finished packing my bags.

"I am done with you, Wallace".

And with that, I walked out of the house. If he broke down, Artemis was there to catch him.

If I broke down, I'd be there to catch myself and myself only.

My heart did not hurt as much as it did the first time. I was just angry and felt pathetic. I guess I had suspected it, way before he did it, but did nothing. I watched the movie play out.

It ended with his and her happy ending. And my beginning.

I kind of like it. Thank you for reading! And specific thanks to AlexandraRusso7 ,  @HunterOfArtemis03 (it doesn't show up, I don't know why), and Aquababe44 for voting on the last chapter.

      -mgBookLover out . . . . .

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