New Start~ Dick Grayson

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Part Two of Beginning

Warning: Slight Make-Out Session

First Person Point of View
{1 year later}

Things were going great ever since I left Wally.

I got a new apartment, and I made a lovely new friend. Dick Grayson.

He was sweet, and charming; and his pick up lines always had me laughing, him following short. His laugh: music to my ears. His smile: brightening my day. His eyes: the sparkle in those beautiful blue orbs of his making me all giddy. But best of all, he was there for me. He hugged and cuddled me when I was feeling sad, and gave me my space when it was needed.

And as horrible as it was, I compared him to Wally. Though, Dick easily surpassed Wally's importance to me.
{3 years later}

I laughed at Dick's new pick up line and gently smacked his bicep. "Wow. Where'd you get that one from"? He laughed, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "Wally". My smile immediately vanished, and I pressed my lips together into a thin line as bitter memories came back and taunted me; trying to make me believe I was worthless. But I would have none of it. I knew that I was not worthless, and Dick helped me believe that.

His smile disappeared and his eyes now held concern. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to offend you". I shook my head and forced on a small smile. "No, you didn't. It's just, that's my uh- my ex's name". His face saddened, "Oh... I- I'm sorry, that's my best friend's name". I shook my head with a small smile on my face "No there's no need to be sorry, you didn't pick out your friend's name".

He smiled at me before speaking, "So uh, what ex is this?- If you don't mind me asking that is". I was silent for a moment, but spoke up after a while. "It's the ex that cheated on me, twice...uh actually my last ex". A frown soon made it's way onto his beautiful face. "Twice"?

I laughed bitterly, "Yeah, I forgave him the first time because he said he loved me, that was obviously wrong". He smiled at me and gently rubbed my thigh with his hand. "Well, if it makes you feel any better to know this, my uh, ex cheated on me with my.... a-adoptive father.... While we were still dating". I laughed bitterly, "Well aren't we just two lucky humans".

"Mhm" he hummed, as his blue eyes left mine and slowly trailed down to my lips. They soon returned to my eyes and I couldn't help but glance down at his lips. We slowly leaned closer, until our noses touched and he lifted his hand to gently cup my jaw. His blue eyes scanned all over my face and I blushed as I leaned into his touch. "You're so beautiful. Inside and out" he whispered to me.

I leaned in first, closing the distance between us and connecting our lips. He kissed me back softly, as if I were fragile and would break if not handled gently.

I bit his lower lip, causing him to moan against my lips. We pulled back for oxygen, breathing heavily, but he kept his hand on my jaw. I smiled at him innocently, causing him to chuckle and pull me in for another kiss.

This time he deepened the kiss, he pressed his lips against mine harder, no longer afraid that I would break. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my hips. He pulled me into his lap, so I was straddling him. We eventually pulled back, with smiles on our faces. "Date me?" He asked with a charming smile on his face. I laughed and nodded, leaning down to peck his lips. "Yes, Richard".
{4 years later}

I swung my hand back and forth in Dick's hand. I smiled as he told me about his day. "Really"? I asked as I rose an eyebrow. "Yes, exactly!". We laughed together and continued walking.

My phone buzzed and I took it out to see who or what it was. "Wally"? I looked up as Dick said that name. The same red head that I had loved for years, smiled and walked over, giving Dick a hug.

Dick greeted him excitedly before turning to me. "This is my girl/boy-friend, Y/n. Y/n this is-" Wally cut Richard off, "Y-y/n?". "Wally..." I spoke back with a bitter expression.

"You know each other....?". "Oh uh yeah, he's my- uh....he's my ex" I told him as my gaze lowered to the ground.

"You''re dating my ex....".

Dick's eyes widened, "Oh my.... you're Wally". Wally looked down ashamed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh yeah", he looked at his watch and whistled. "Look at the time, I gotta go... I'll see you later" and with that, he was gone.

We continued walking in silence, as we were both shocked at what had occurred. "I- uh didn't know t-that my Wally was your Wally". I bit my lip before responding, "Neither did I, but you know what?". "Hmm?" He asked with a slight frown on his face.

I turned to him with a smile and grabbed his hands, "If it weren't for Wally, we would have never met". Looking into his blue eyes, I continued, " I would have never went to that cafe, with tears streaming down my face, you would have never comforted me, and we would have never met up at the same cafe. So I guess Wally cheating on me was not so bad..... I accept that he's your friend, he didn't hurt you, so do not feel guilty of bad about anything Richard. I love you".

His frown left and a smile replaced it. He pulled me in and placed a gentle kiss to my lips and then forehead. "I love you too Y/n".

Sorry for the late update.

Thank you for reading! A Damian Wayne imagine is next!

Have a wonderful day!


   -mgBookLover out.

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