Meeting the Family~ Nightwing|Dick Grayson

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First Person Point of View

Today is the day. The day that I am meeting Dick's family- well I had already met Damian (and according to Dick he's the hardest to befriend, luckily he seemed to tolerate my presence) so now I was going to met the rest. I had memorized their names, Bruce- his father, Jason- the second oldest, Tim- third oldest, and obviously Damian- the baby in the family although he sure didn't act like a child. He also mentioned Kate, Barbara, Stephanie, and Cassandra, although he stated that they most likely wouldn't be there.

We have been dating for almost a year and he thought it was time.

"You ready?" he asked me as he walked up behind me.

I smoothed down my shirt, looking at my reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath before nodding.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a soft kiss on my neck. "I swear they aren't that bad" he spoke onto my neck, causing me to let out a small laugh.

"Oh really?" I asked, pretending to think, "Um let's see, what about that time you came to our movie night late because Tim almost set the house on fire after he fell asleep while cooking. Or that time you were late because you were bailing Jason out of jail. Or when you couldn't come because Damian had stabbed Tim and you had to take Tim to the hospital because Alfred was gone for vacation. Or-"

"Alright! Alright! I get it, geesh" Dick spoke as he raised his hands in defense, letting out a chuckle.

"Oh, and yes, I'm ready" I told him with a smile.

"Finally" he spoke dramatically as I playfully rolled my eyes and followed him out of my apartment, grabbing my keys on the way out.

We exited the apartment complex and got in his car. I leaned over the seat and pecked his cheek before buckling up.

"What was that for?" Dick asked me with a smile on his face.

"I just wanna let you know that no matter what your family does, it's not gonna scare me off" I told him honestly.

He leaned over and pressed his lips against mine in a short sweet kiss.

He then put the key in the ignition, turned the car on, and drove towards Wayne Manor.


"This is it" I told myself as Dick drove up the long driveway.

He chuckled and sent me a charming smile, that made my heart melt, "Yep, it is".

I took a deep breath as Dick took the key out of the ignition.

"You ready?" he asked me. I nodded in response and took off my seat belt. I opened the car door and stepped out, waiting for Dick to lead the way.

He raced up the stairs and I let out a groan as I caught up to him.

Once I had caught up to him he opened the door and ushered me in.

"Hey, everyone! Come meet my girl/boyfriend!" Dick shouted loudly as I blushed nervously.

As soon as those words left his lips, loud footsteps could be heard coming from seemingly every direction.

"Oh my gosh!" I heard someone squeal so I turned and saw a girl with blonde hair. She ran towards me and tightly wrapped her arms around me in a hug, I couldn't hug her back since my arms were stuck to my body as she squeezed me.

She eventually pulled back and smiled at me, "Hi! I'm Stephanie".

"Hi, I'm Y/n" I responded back with an awkward smile on my face.

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