Addiction ~ Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)

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*3rd Perspective*

She laughed loudly as she chugged down the whole bottle, pouting when it was all done. She threw it at the wall and got up quickly, instantly regretting it as she had to hold the wall for support. She felt dizzy and spots were taking over her vision, but she shook her head and stubbornly continued her way towards the kitchen for another bottle.

They were all worried about her and her new 'pass time', as she called it. But they all knew it was worse, higher and more dangerous, she was addicted. Addicted to alcohol, just that, that's how they viewed it. But no, to her it was more than that, more than just a pass time and even she knew it. But she was in too deep. And there was no way out.

She finally found it after searching for a couple of minutes, and she held it up in victory. "Aha" she giggled, "I knew you were here somewhere". She took it back to the living room and slumped back on the floor, opening the new bottle. She took a gulp, trying to make the last bottle stay for a little longer than the others. But she knew it was impossible. She would be done with it after a few more gulps and chugs. She started humming and laughing hysterically at her pathetic life, before she started crying. "What am I even doing with my life"? She asked herself as tears went down her face like a strong current. "I don't know" she hiccuped and not long afterwards she got up and stumbled to the bathroom feeling nauseous, emptying her stomach in the toilet.

Walking back to the living room she reached for the bottle, but let out a frightened gasp as a hand grabbed it first. She quickly turned towards them and lost her balance, putting her hand on their chest in order to not fall. "Kaldur! Give me my bottle" she spoke, motioning with her hand to him so he would give it to her. "My apologies Y/n, but you are intoxicated. I cannot give you this back" he told her sternly. His voice, so, Kaldur , she thought to herself. She giggled at him, and he raised his eyebrow in response. "Okay Kaldur" she spoke with a goofy drunken smile on her face. "Only cuz I love you" she told him. He stepped back in surprise but quickly regained his stern posture, "Let me get you to bed".

He put down her bottle, and lead her to her bedroom. He got some pajamas out for her and gently passed them to her, turning around to let her get dressed. "Thanks Kal". She attempted to take her shirt off but failed miserably. She groaned, "Kal, can you help me?" she asked him in a whine. He hesitantly turned around and gulped before heading to help her. He helped her pull off her shirt and reached for the pajama shirt. He went to put it on her when she suddenly took off her bra. He stumbled back and quickly looked away, taking a deep breath before gulping. "Wha-what are you doing Y/n?" He asked the girl slightly flustered. "I'm taking off my bra" she slurred, "It's poking me and I don't sleep with it on". He sighed and helped her put her shirt on before helping her put on her pants. "There" he sighed, glad he was finally done.

She was laying on her bed but seemed to be waiting for something. Someone. "Do you need anything else Y/n?"
He asked her. She nodded her head at him and asked shyly, "Can you stay with me?". He nodded and turned the light off before slipping in next to her under the covers. She snuggled into his side and he wrapped his arm around her to pull her closer. "Why did you help me? Why are you still here?" Her questions caught him off guard as he tried to think of an answer, but she kept going. "If I was you I would've taken my bottle and left. I wouldn't even think about helping me" he chuckled as he imagined it. "Yes Y/n you would have. But you are not me" he responded, rubbing his fingers on her shoulder. She hummed in response and closed her eyes. "I love you Kal" she whispered before dozing off into sleep land. "I love you too Y/n, I love you too" he kissed her forehead and not long after, followed her into sleep.

Wow ! That was longer. I was wondering if you guys wanted me to make the chapters longer, my sister told me they were too short, so yeah. This was originally the 'New Year Special' but then I decided against it.

Well I hope you enjoyed this Kaldur imagine! Thank you for reading my story, and I hope you have a glorious day!

-mgBookLover out!

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