Deadly Rush~ Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)|Robin (Tim Drake)

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3rd Person Point of View

It started out small. Staying underwater for a few more seconds than Y/n could handle, and quickly jumping up, gasping for air. Y/n loved the rush she got from the water, it became her/his addiction.

Going to the beach, everyday just to do this. Y/n's father had drowned after his boat sunk, and she/he just felt powerful, closer to her/his father by doing this. Well, at least that's how it started.

Y/n remembered the exact event that caused her to be in this place.
She/he jumped into the water as soon as the car had stopped at the beach and opened her/his eyes underwater, looking at the beautiful sea life. With her/his cheeks blown out with air she/he stared at all the beautiful fishes and out of the corner of her/his eye, saw a shimmering object. Swimming down for it she/he gently touched the beautiful shell and stared at it in complete and utter awe. It was beautiful, the most beautifully shaped and colored shell she/he had ever seen. She/He reached for it but was pushed away by a strong wave. Immediately panicking she/he closed her/his eyes and wrapped her/his arms around her/his legs, pulling them closer to her/his body. She/He stayed like that and her/his lungs were burning, begging for air. She/He breathed in the salt water and started flailing her/his limbs as her/his nostrils burned now. She/He was pulled out of the water by Alexis, her/his cousin, who immediately asked if she/he was alright with worry in his/her eyes. She/he coughed up water and looked up with pure horror on her/his face. "The shell" she/he murmured. "The what?" Alexis was clearly confused and she/he got up and ran back into the water. Alexis quickly ran behind her/him and pulled her/him back with his/her arms around her/his torso. "No! Let me go! NO!!" She/he screamed as tears ran down her/his face. She/he managed to elbow Alexis in the stomach and dived back in the water for the beautiful shell. She/he ignored the burning sensation she/he got after frantically searching for a while, eyes wide. Black dots started dancing around her/his eyes clouding her/his vision, but she/he pushed it back. Strong and this time, secure, arms pulled her/his body up just as the darkness consumed her/him.
End of Flashback

"Y/n L/n?" A voice asked after a soft knock was heard. Y/n nodded with a frown on her/his face. "The group talking session will start soon" the nurse spoke softly. "Okay. Thank you" Y/n nodded with a weak forced smile. She/He got up and used the bathroom before heading to the large room. Y/n stood outside the doors nervously, What if they don't like me? I don't really like socializing, I'm bad at it, Y/n thought to herself/himself. She/He took a deep breath before stepping inside, past the doors and out of the empty hallway into a room that felt crowded.

There was only around fifteen people- twenty max, but her/his heart beat as if she/he were in front of a crowd of millions of people. Y/n gulped and stood there uncertain of what to do. A woman with short blonde hair and a friendly smile waved Y/n over. Y/n stiffened but slowly walked towards the people, twiddling with her/his thumbs nervously. "Don't worry hun, I don't bite" the woman told her, the kind smile still on her face.

Y/n gave her a weak forced smile, and sat down far away from everyone. The lady's smile soon turned into a sad one, and Y/n looked away, not wanting her pity.

She stood up and clapped her hands together to gain everyone's attention. "Okay! So today, we will be introducing ourselves and say what we are here for. Any volunteers?". She looked around the room, looking for a hand, and eventually one slowly went up. Her face immediately brightened, "Thank you. Let's all be quiet and listen to our friend". I don't even know him, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't either, Y/n thought to herself/himself. The boy hesitated but spoke not long after, and Y/n was mesmerized by his beautiful calm voice. "My name is Kaldur'ahm, but my friends call me-" he paused and corrected himself, "called me Kaldur, you may call me Kaldur. I have....major depression, and I uh, it's rough and-" he stuttered and lowered his head not able to continue.

"It's alright Kaldur, thank you for sharing. Anyone else-" the lady started but Y/n cut her off, with a sudden small burst of confidence, if he could do it so could she/he. "I'm Y/n and I'm here because I'm addicted to the feeling- the rush I get when I'm near drowning". It was silent for a while and Y/n started to regret it, the confidence slipping from her grasp as each second of silence passed. But it didn't last long.

"I'm Tim and I try to be as perfect as I possibly can so my guardian can be proud. I over think and doubt myself a lot- oh god what am I sharing?" The dark haired boy next to Y/n bowed his head and started to nervously bite his nails. "I'm here because I have...anxiety" the boy started to breath heavily and Y/n knew he was having a panic attack. She/He rubbed the boy's back in an attempt to soothe him and gently pried his hands away from his mouth. Y/n began to whisper softly in his ear and rubbed his knuckles with her/his thumb, to calm him.

He calmed down after a while of Y/n's soothing touch and kind reassuring words. He looked up with wide eyes, a deep red blush, and a small shy smile adorning his features. "Th-thank you" he stuttered, pushing a strand of his long hair behind his ear.

The blonde lady started clapping and they both looked up, startled as the whole class began to clap. "That was so nice of you Y/n!" The lady spoke cheerfully causing Y/n to look down with a blush on her/his cheeks and a forced smile. "See you are already getting better" those were the words that ruined it all. Y/n's smile immediately disappeared and was replaced by an angry frown. The woman then softly apologized and gently asked everyone to go back to introducing themselves. "I was never bad." Y/n grumbled to herself/himself angrily. "What does better even mean?" Tim quietly asked her/him. Y/n shrugged, a small smile making it's way on her/his face.
The group talking session had ended and Y/n immediately raced to her/his room. Alone at long last! Now I can- her/his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock on her/his door.

Y/n groaned and dragged herself/himself to the door, slowly opening it with a scowl on her/his face.

The scowl disappeared as she/he saw Kaldur and Tim at the other side of the door.

"Oh... hey. Do you need anything?".

Kaldur faintly smiled at Y/n before responding, "We just came to inform you that it is lunch time, and were wondering if you would like to sit with us for lunch?"

Y/n was shocked at the invitation, but nonetheless grinned and nodded, "Yes, thank you".

She/He stepped out and gently shut the door, following the two boys to the lunch room.

They all grabbed a plastic plate with food, and went to an empty table.

Tim quickly bit into his sandwich, but slowed down as he realized he probably looked like a hungry lion. He slowly chewed and set the sandwich back on the plate, gently pushing it away.

Y/n furrowed her/his eyebrows and pushed the plate back near Tim. "Don't think about what you look like, just eat".

Tim sheepishly smiled and picked a piece of off his sandwich, slowly putting it in his mouth.

"So, how was your day?" Y/n asked Kaldur.

"It was... fine. How about your day, how has it been?".

"Alright, I guess. I mean, I enjoy your company- you and Tim" Y/n replied back with an awkward smile.

"I'm pretty sure alright and fine mean the same thing" Tim snorted before he could think, however he soon regretted his idiotic mistake and quickly covered his mouth.

Kaldur's eyebrows furrowed but he continued eating, nonetheless. Y/n sent the boy a sympathetic smile, and picked at her/his food. "You know, I'm not that hungry...".

Y/n threw out her/his food and sat back down with Kaldur and Tim.

They chatted for a while, but something felt different. Y/n shifted uncomfortably on his/her seat.

Something was coming; and it wasn't going to be good.

Unfinished original 4K Special.

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