how kaldur is as a lover

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A more mature version of the "dating ... includes," I'll be writing them for the rest too!
▪︎ Kaldur is a gentle lover, but that does not mean he lacks passion

▪︎ He's a morning person, so if you're not, he'll be sure to have the water boiling for your morning drink of choice

▪︎ But if you are a morning person, he likes to swim before the sun starts to peek up and you get to see him make his way out of the water as the first rays of the sun welcome a new day

▪︎ He's not opposed to you joining him every once in a while

▪︎ He'll swim beside you, float on his back and let you rest on his chest, or he'll even try to teach you to swim if you can't

▪︎ (Spoiler, Kaldur is a very patient man but it's hard to teach someone how to do something he doesn't have to think twice about)

▪︎ Kaldur seems to be a man that values quality time and acts of service

▪︎ He may need some time to settle with his thoughts before he voices them to you

▪︎ But he tries his best to be a good communicator, he might be a better listener depending on what you need

▪︎ Now just because words of affirmation weren't mentioned as one of his main love languages, doesn't mean it's not needed

▪︎ Kaldur will tell you he loves you when he means it

▪︎ Day and night, because there is not one time in the twenty four hours of day that you aren't in his heart

▪︎ There's different types of 'I love yous' with Kaldur

▪︎ Nonverbal:

- The way his eyes soften and a smile involuntarily forms at his lips when you're passionately discussing your favorite show

-The way his hand hovers over the small of your back when you two are in a crowd

-Depending on your preferred form of holding, he will stick his elbow out for you to slip your arm in, or have his hand ready and at his side for your fingers to interlock with his

▪︎ Verbal:

-It'll usually be within a moment of quiet, when you're both sitting by each other's side, enjoying the view of the ocean and hearing the crashing waves

-You have your head rested against his shoulder and he leans down to rest his head atop yours

-Or maybe you're sitting between his legs, your back against his chest and his chin rested over your head

-And either way, he'll nudge his head against yours affectionately, and you'll hear--and feel if you are against his chest--his gentle voice say "I love you"

-I love yous with Kaldur are almost always in the calm and quiet times you share

-In the darkness of your bedroom, a passionate and breathy "I love you" whispered against your lips as noises of pleasure fill the room

-In the early beginnings of morning, on the rare occasions he decides to sleep in, when his head is nestled on your chest and your hands are stroking his hair or back

-But in that last instance, it is often you that presses a kiss to his forehead, whispering a groggy "I love you" as a morning greeting

▪︎ Kaldur prides himself on being a reliable leader, strong and level headed

▪︎ But he needs his time away from leadership

▪︎ He needs the safety of your arms and your reassurances spoken into the air

▪︎ Sometimes all he wants is a quiet night to settle into your arms and be held

▪︎ Which is something that you're honored to do, after all, what is more intimate than being yourself with your lover and allowing the vulnerabilities to show?

▪︎ (Plus nothing is sexier than an emotionally mature man)

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