Christmas Special

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Since Christmas is now here...(Sorry if you don't celebrate it)

Btw Y/n means your name. I saw a comment on a story once and it was someone asking "who is this y/n and why does she always get the boys"? *smiling and smh playfully*

(Hc) means hair color
(Ec) means eye color

The whole team was gathered in Mount Justice for the party. There was a tree and a whole bunch of gifts surrounding it. Y/n was literally bouncing in joy. They loved Christmas, almost more than they loved their boyfriend. Almost. "Y/n"! He called out to them, running towards them and greeting them with a short sweet kiss and a hug. They giggled when they pulled away, him pecking their lips one last time.

"Hey babe. How are you"? They asked with a smile on their light pink lips. "I am doing wonderful because I have you" he responded, nuzzling his nose in the crook of their neck. Their smile grew bigger and they kissed him again, pulling him down with their hands at the back of his neck.
Eww" Garfield gagged at the kissing couple. "Leave them alone Gar" M' Gann said as she slapped her brother's head softly before turning to the couple and "aww" ing at them. They quickly pulled away and blushed when they noticed all the attention on them. "Hehe" the girl/boy/person laughed nervously, tucking a piece of (hc) hair behind their ear. Everyone just stayed silent and stared at them. "Well, let's give out presents"! they exclaimed, eager to get the attention off of themselves.

They all cheered and hummed in response, gathering around the tree to give out the presents they had purchased for one another. They grabbed their big pile of gifts and gave one to each person, making sure to save one gift, for a specific someone, for last.

He did the same, and at the end they walked towards each other with a present in their hands. They smiled at him and he gave them a goofy smile, pulling them into a hug. They laughed and pulled back, shyly holding an extended arm with a present towards him, while blushing. At the same time he had held out a box to them. They both laughed and accepted them at the same time. He waited for them to open the present first, wanting to watch their reaction. They opened the box and laughed at what was in it. Their childhood favorite toy. He had gotten it for them. Tears where streaming down their face as they laughed and smiled. They looked up and immediately wrapped their arms around his waist whispering a quiet "thank you". He chuckled and hugged them back, resting his head on their shoulder. They pulled away after a while, wiping their tears away. With a smile they looked at him with warm (ec) eyes "Open your gift". He smiled back down at them, wondering how he scored this beautiful person. He gently unwrapped the gift and grinned at what he saw. They had gotten him what he had talked about for months. "Oh my...." he looked up and pulled them into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you babe. Thank you" he told them, now holding them back by their shoulders and pressing small kisses all over their face. They giggled at his actions and reaction. "I love you. Even when it's not Christmas" he told them, causing everyone to laugh at the beautiful couple.

Here it is! I let you choose who you wanted and what you got him! I was originally thinking of Dick, but decided I would let you choose. Just can't be Garfield because he's disgusted by you and your choice of boyfriend's couple-y things. Hope you liked it! Have a wonderful Christmas or whatever you celebrate!
                            -mgBookLover out

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