I'll Love You Til the Sun Dies|Bart Allen

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Warning: Slightly suicidal thought

Includes: Apocalyptic World AU where he has lost his powers.


I sighed as I continued to follow Bart towards a safe place.

I was tired, my feet aching from walking miles.

All of this pain just to survive.

But why would I want to survive when the world is slowly ending?

I tried to get the horrid thought out of my mind, thinking about what Bart would say to me if he knew of all of the terrible things I had been thinking.

I bit my lip at the thought, feeling ashamed of myself.

In my distracted state I stepped on a rock and gasped as I fell forward, hitting the hard ground in front of me.

I cried out in pain, physically hurt and upset as I got on my knees, crying harder as my exhausted body shook violently with my sobs.

Bart immediately came to me and crouched down to comfort me.

He rubbed my back and wiped my tears away, "Shh baby, shh. It's all okay, we have some disinfectant. We'll clean your knee up and put a band aid on it".

I sniffled and nodded, rubbing my eyes.

"Don't rub your eyes love, it's bad for your eyes" he told me calmly as he took out the small bottle of disinfectant he had in the small book bag he carried.

How he managed to go through all of the things he went through and trying to survive while still having a smile on his face everyday was beyond me.

He poured out a bit of the disinfectant into the  bottle cap and slowly tilted the cap to let the liquid spread on my knee, where there was blood coming out of the small cut that had been made by my fall.

I let out a wince  as the cut began to sting, and bit my lip as his eyes met mine, sending me a sympathetic look.

"Sorry baby" he whispered softly, his hand coming up to wipe away my tears.

My vision blurred as my heart began to hurt in my chest and tears started to fill my eyes once again.

Just looking him in the eyes made me break.

Bart didn't deserve this. He deserved more.

It hurt me- knowing that he had come back in time to prevent this from happening. Yet it didn't turn out as he had hoped.

Instead he got stuck in a time period long before he was born and did things that changed the future- but not for the best. An apocalypse began quicker than the one he knew and was familiar with, almost as if the universe had to make sure that he lived and suffered through at least one apocalypse.

"Hey, hey look at me. Don't cry baby, it's gonna be okay" he reassured me, wiping the tears that were streaming down my face.

"Because we'll get through this together" he spoke, his forehead resting against mine as he stared at me lovingly.

"I'll love you til the sun dies" he swore, kissing my nose.

I managed a weak smile and nodded.

"I love you" I whispered quietly.

A smile spread on his beautiful face and he nodded.

"Come on baby, we're almost there".

I groaned as he helped me get back on my feet.

"Can you walk, darling?" he questioned, ready to carry me if he had to.

"Yes, thank you," I retorted quietly.

He walked in front of me, leading the way.

He glanced back at me every couple of seconds, making my heart flutter at his caring actions.

I speed up a bit and grabbed his hand, intertwining our hands together.

He looked at me with a cute smile on his lips, and I began to playfully swing our hands.

It was worth it as I heard his happy laughter, making me grin with exaltation, my heart proudly beating in my chest at my acomplishment.

I was okay now; the bad thoughts had left.

It's gonna be okay.


It was hard, but we were getting through it all together.

We walked long distances everyday to scavenge for food and water and then we walked further to find some sort of shelter.

Slowly, it seemed like things were getting better- like life was getting easier.

But it's always calm before the storm.

I should have known that it was all going to change and go downhill. But yet I was still left in a state of shock and trepidation as realization dropped down on me like a ton of bricks; leaving me on the ground staring up blankly at the gray polluted sky as tears streamed down my cheeks, my throat sore from screaming until I could no longer scream and my whole being felt dizzy.

The sun had died.


But as I stared at the last spot he had stood, I did not feel the darkness that usually resided in me.

I didn't want to die- I wasn't going to die.

Bart went through so much trouble to help us stay alive and I was not going to just throw all of his efforts away.

He kept his promise and I would keep his.

Stay alive for me okay? Promise you'll get through this- promise me you'll stay alive.

"I promise" I whispered to the dark sky, warm tears running down my cheeks as I smiled sadly.

"I promise".


I really liked this imagine. It took me a while to make it the way I wanted to and I hope you all enjoyed it.

I just wanted to say that even when it seems like nothing is going to get better- don't give up, it gets better. I know that seems so surreal and unbelievable, but it does. You just have to give it time.

Thank you so much for reading.

  -mgBookLover out.

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