Regretted Mistake ~ Robin (Dick Grayson)

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Note: The Robin "First Fight" with another name (P.S, an early sorry for really soft angst)

WC: 679

2nd Person Point of View

"Why?" you said. You pulled on your (h/c) strands of hair, held tightly between your clenched fists.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow, "why what?".

"What? That's all you have to say, Richard?". You scoffed, rolling your eyes that seemed more ready to burst into tears with each passing second.

His mouth was agape for a mere second, before his eyebrows furrowed and his priorities spilled his lips, "Um, secret identity?".

"Is that seriously all you care about right now?" you questioned. Was all this time you spent with him wasted?

"No, I wanna know what your problem is," he shrugged carelessly, "you're not being very direct".

"I know, Richard". Your gaze falls to the ground, and you're not sure how much longer before your tears fall. "I know about your problem. I didn't know you'd be unable to keep your lips off of Zatanna's while you were dating me".

His bored expression was gone as soon as your words processed in his brain. The color drained from his face, and he was left spluttering for an excuse or an apology- anything to save himself. "Baby I'm- I, I can't believe.. oh gosh you don't know how sorry I am" he said. His eyes looking more disappointing than regretful.

He really had wasted your time.

"You're not sorry for hurting me, you dick-" he winced at your ironic insult, "You're sorry that I found out. You're sorry because you know I'm gonna leave you and mess up your plan, of leaving me" you said.

"C- calm down, babe please". He was frantic; now that his actions had met their consequences.

 Your lip trembled, and holding your tears in was becoming impossible faster than you had wished. Attempting to keep your composure, you crossed you arms over your chest and blinked at the ground below you. 

"Maybe we can talk this out?". He struggled to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat, "I- I shouldn't have done that".

 At his words, you find the strength in you to make eye contact. "What do you mean talk this out, you cheated on me. Of course you shouldn't have done that!". You couldn't handle it anymore, your patience and calm exterior were out the window; and the tears left your eyes. You leaned on the wall for support, your breath leaving you rapidly as you gasped for air, the stream of tears never ending. Why? Why do I have to cry in front of him? 

Your other hand squeezed into a fist and pressed against your mouth in an attempt to silence the incoming sob. It didn't work, and instead came out disgustingly muffled. To say you were hurt would have been a severe understatement.

Your mind raced with cruel insecurities. They stabbed at your heart and laughed at your pain. 

What did you do to deserve this? The voice in the back of your head answered. You were not as pretty as Zatanna. You weren't as interesting, or as outgoing,  or as cool, or as anything. Zatanna was full of something that you couldn't comprehend. And you grasped and clutched at the empty air for even a sliver of what she had.

Your legs gave up and you fell to the ground, in a heap of tears and heartbreak that you attempted to shield with your hands against your face. 

Robin approached you slowly, and for the second time in his life, he felt helpless. But this time it was his fault.

 He let himself fall onto his knees, shoulders slumped shamefully. He didn't ever deserve you, but you never deserved this. 

Reality screaming in his face, he wrapped his arms around you and allowed his head to rest against your shoulder, and silent tears escaped him.

Everything will be okay. It repeated over and over in his head, as he swallowed the sensation of dread by playing pretend.

Everything would be okay.

 If only he had done things differently. If only he had thought. 

If only his heart hadn't rotted away in blind smugness. 

All of this pain, wasn't worth it. All because of such a preventable mistake. His big, quickly regretted, mistake.

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