Impulse|Bart Allen

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How You Meet:

Third Person Point of View

She walked down the small narrow path, humming as she went. He was running at a normal human's speed, trying to live a normal human life. They did this, all in the same park. Everyday for months. They made eye contact various times, but they never spoke a word. Some days they would make eye contact and she would send a smile his way, making him smile back and making his day.

She smiled at the cute boy and he smiled back making her heart flutter in her chest. She giggled as he ran, changing paths at the intersection. She liked watching him. Yes she knew creepy. But he was just so,..beautiful.

One day they met again on a bench farther away from when they first saw each other. He didn't look very tired, so she figured he ran often. If only she knew. They would then chat for a while before deciding to get coffee together and chat some more. She would then look at her watch and say farewell, before hurrying off.

He went again, just like he had the day before that and the day before that and so on. He was running in the park, like always. He turned his head towards the other path, expecting to see her. But saw no one. This continued for a week and he started to get worried about her well-being. He kept going, hoping he would see her again. But he knew, he felt it, that he would most likely not see her in that park again. Not anytime soon.


Your Nickname: Sunshine

His Nickname: Runner Boy

When You Give Him The Silent Treatment:

Your P.O.V.

"Babe I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. It was rude of me". Yeah it was. "Please babe, please. I'm begging you". Sure you are. Bart got on his knees in front of me and grabbed my hands. "I will never say it again. I didn't know it would upset you baby" he pleaded his eyes looking regretful and sad. "Sure you didn't" I snapped, pulling my hands away from his. "Please...just....I'm sorry" he looked down, running his hand over his face and sighing. "It's okay Bart. I'm sorry I was being dramatic" I said shamefully. "It's okay babe....and I'm sorry I said [f/ic/f] (favorite ice cream flavor) was bad. It's better than [lf/ic/f] (least favorite ice cream flavor)". "Damn right it is"! I yelled. He laughed at me and shook his head at my childish demeanor before pulling me into a hug.

Pet You Buy:

You guys buy a ferret. You named it Slender. Yeah ironic, I know. You both like to watch it run around the room and hold it. Once you caught Bart chasing it around the house. So cute! Both of them are.

What You Do Together For Fun:

You both like to go out to eat and then walk in the park you met at. You eat and joke around in the diner/food place (nothing fancy) and then you go to the park, where you walk hand in hand, sometimes stopping to sit on the bench.

Your First Kiss:

3rd Perspective

"Bart? What are you doing babe"? "M eathing" Bart replied with his mouth full. She giggled at his silliness and walked up to him. He quickly swallowed his food and smiled at her before pulling her into his lap, holding her hips. She giggled at him and pecked his nose. He closed his eyes and his lips twitched upwards into a smile, he had an idea. He then quickly got up, settling her in the chair he was in, and sped off, coming back in seconds. He pulled her off and sat back down, placing her in his lap. "Now, how about a kiss" he asked her. She could feel his breath on her cheek and smell his now minty breath. She laughed before pressing her lips to his softly. He quickly kissed her back, his hands squeezing her hips. When they pulled away she rested her forehead against his. "I love you" she whispered with her eyes closed, a smile tugging at her lips. "I love you too babe" he responded, kissing her again.

First Fight:

3rd Perspective

"Bart"! She yelled trying to get his attention, but failing miserably. He laughed at something on his phone, proving to her that he did not acknowledge her presence. She sighed angrily, sometimes she just wanted to take his God damn phone and throw it on the floor to stomp on it until it smashed. No she did not have anger issues...He never listens to me anymore. God damn phone is trying to take my place. "Bart! Honey, I made dinner"! "I'm going" he grumbled, looking annoyed. She sighed, a frown making it's way on her face before she walked back to the kitchen. He walked in with his neck bent, staring at his phone. "Bart do you-" she was cut off as he looked up towards her with a deadly glare. "What do you want"?! He screamed, angry at her for some reason unknown to her. She looked down as the hot tears rolled down her cheeks, showing him just how pathetic she was. She sniffed and tried to quickly wipe the tears away, before he would yell at her for crying. He saw her crying and his heart sunk, immediately feeling guilty for his rude actions. He dropped his phone and ignored the sound of the device hitting the hard tiled floor, running to her and bending down to her sitting figure. "I'm so sorry baby girl. Stupid phone" he told her while he rubbed his hands on her shoulders gently, grumbling the last part. She wiped her tears and smiled before whispering "Stupid phone indeed". He laughed and pulled her up into a hug. She gladly hugged him back, loving his scent. He always smelled like mints and cologne mixed together, and she loved that like she loved him. She loved everything that came with him, the whole package. Excluding the now broken phone....

Oh my god that took me forever to type! I hope you liked it I especially enjoyed writing the last one! And I just wanted to say thank you!!! Thank you so much for 1.56K and for all the votes. I'm smiling right now..I wish you all a beautiful day, because I probably won't post tomorrow, so happy New year while I'm at it!! Thank you so much for reading!

                                      -mgBookLover out!

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