Silent Love|Cass Cain

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[F/M] : Favorite Movie

I unlocked the apartment door and walked in, closing the door behind me quietly, not wanting to startle Cass.

I smiled at the thought of the black haired girl.

She was my light on the darkest of days. My hope that everything would be alright when all threatened to go wrong. She was my everything.

And in return I was hers.

I walked toward the kitchen and placed the grocery bags I had on the counter.

I heard soft footsteps and turned, smiling as I saw Cass.

She walked into the kitchen and smiled at me, walking up to me she wrapped her arms around my waist, nuzzling her face into my chest.

I grinned down at her and stroked her hair, leaning in to deliver a small kiss to her forehead.

I pulled back and began to rummage through some bags until I found what I was looking for.

I pulled out the chocolate bar and gave it to her.

She grinned and giggled happily, making me furrow my eyebrows confused, since she was normally never like this, but I smiled nonetheless at my overexcited girlfriend, blaming her menstrual cycle on her odd behavior.

I put away all the groceries and stuffed the plastic bags in a drawer.

I walked over to Cass, who was sat on the counter, happily munching away on her chocolate bar.

I got between her legs and placed my elbows on the counter next to her, staring at her face intently.

She moved the chocolate bar near me, offering me some to which I shook my head.

She shrugged and finished it off, tossing the wrapper in the trash bin.

She placed the palm of her hands in front of her on the edge of the counter and leaned forward, rubbing our noses together lovingly.

I wrapped my arms around her and gently tapped my fingers on her back, signaling that I was going to carry her.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, laying her head on my shoulder as I took her to the living room.

She let her legs unwrap from my waist and her feet touched the floor.

I turned on the television and grabbed the remote. I sat on the couch and handed the remote to Cass, letting her choose what we were going to watch.

I grabbed the blanket and spread it over us both.

She decided on [F/M] and she cuddled up close to me as it began.

She placed her head on my shoulder and I placed my head on top of hers gently.

She entwined our hands and lifted them up to place a kiss on the top of my hand.

Even though Cass didn't talk much, I knew I loved her and I knew she loved me. 

We didn't need words to express our love, our actions were enough.

Our love was enough.

This was short but I feel like this one is better than the last tbh.

I hope you enjoyed this as I did will writing it, and I hope you have a good day!

Thanks for reading!


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