«· Dating Kid Flash Would Include ·»

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·» Flirting

·» Attempting to cook but failing miserably

·» Wally still eating the burnt food

·» Him tickling you to death (not really 😹 lol)

·» Kissing

·» Goofy smiles

·» Lazy smiles

·» Cuddling

·» Make out sessions

·» Sitting in his lap

·» Watching movies together

·» Going on a date on Valentine's day

·» Watching him stuff his mouth while eating

·» Baking a huge cake for him, which he finishes on the same day

·» Hugs

·» "I LOVE YOU!!!" "Wally it's 3 a.m. Shut up" "Do you not love me?!" "I do, but I'll love you more at 10 a.m." "...."

·» Wally hugging you from behind, pulling you closer to his chest and putting his face on your neck

·» Loving each other more than food

Uh oh. I accidentally published the Impulse catch up. Er, it's not done yet sorry. Hope you enjoyed this lol.

                     -mgBookLover out

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