Til You Get Better~Arsenal|Roy Harper

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Warning: Drug abuse

I walked into the apartment and sighed as I looked at Roy, who was sitting on the floor near the couch. His eyes were red from whatever drug he had taken.

He just couldn't seem to stop.

And it always became worse than before.

"Roy, darling" I called to get his attention.

He looked up at me with a goofy grin on his face, letting me now that he was still in heaven, or at least the only one he would ever reach.

I knew it would soon all end and come crashing down on him harder than before.

I sighed as I walked closer to him and sat beside him.

I tapped my lap, silently telling him to put his head on it.

He obliged, sending me a happy grin as he did so.

I ran my fingers through his sweaty red hair and began to hum softly.

I massaged his scalp, watching as his eyes fluttered shut and he smiled.

"I love you" I heard him mumble.

I stopped moving my hand for a split second in surprise- before I remembered he wasn't in the right mind and continued.

He only told me those three words when he was high and it always made my heart hurt at the thought that he only loved me when he was not in the right mind.

I continued to hum to him, so he could fall asleep and hopefully wake up alright. I couldn't say normally because it seemed as though being high was his norm.

Once he fell asleep, I slipped out from under him and placed a pillow under his head.

I gently brushed some hair out of his face and stroked his cheek lovingly. He looked peaceful, even though he was killing himself slowly. 

A sad smile grew on my face as I remembered the days when he was alright, the days that we spent together happily.

I got up after a while, and walked to the bedroom.

This was it.

I grabbed my duffel bag from under the closet and unzipped it, placing it on the bed.

I walked around the room, packing up all my belongings and shoving them into the duffel bag.

After a couple of minutes and a quick look around the room to make sure I had gotten everything, I walked into the living room.

I set my bag down by the door and walked back to sit next to Roy.

I knew he would be confused and disappointed if I left without telling him, so I sat by him and waited for him to wake up.

I stroked his head gently as I looked at him lovingly.

I tried. 

I really did.

But nothing worked.

I had told him that I would help him and that I supported him, and I thought it had worked; until I found out that he was doing drugs behind my back...

A bump under his shirt caught my attention and I lifted his shirt up.

I let out a shaky breath as I caught sight of his slight potbelly, no doubt from malnutrition since he was wasting all his money on the very thing that was killing him.

I saw he was still sleeping and quickly got up. 

I rushed over to my bag and pulled out my wallet.

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