sparks | virgil hawkins

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Static X (Gender Neutral) Meta-human Reader

Reader is rescued from Klarion's monster blob of metahumans (S3E18).

WC: ~1.3K

-- 2nd POV

Finally getting to the Taos Meta-Human Youth Center felt bittersweet, but it was your only choice. Your new reality.

After being kidnapped and having your meta gene activated, it was hard to reason with yourself on whether luck was on your side. You passed the test, got to live, but at the price of your once normal life. Maybe worst of all, your own family no longer loved you. The Outsiders meant well in reuniting you with your family, but the ride to the center was filled with your sobs and Wonder Girl trying to comfort you.

Your family was disgusted by you, angry at you for killing their child, their sibling--the person they once knew. But you were still that person, still wanted to be their child and their sibling. They blamed you for surviving, blamed your body for adapting and subsequently changing the past version of you in the process.

It was like having to start all over in life, but this time with only strangers. No familiarity. Not even in yourself after your family's words.


It was hard, but you were slowly coming to terms with your new identity. One on one meetings with Black Canary, and even the group meetings with the counselors and other teens like you, helped a lot. It would be a lie to say that you were over your family's rejection, but Canary assured you that the pain was valid. Working on yourself was not an easy one, two, three and done. It was something that you'd have to continue all throughout your life, there would be ups and downs, good days and bad, but you had to keep going and carve out a path for yourself.

Today was an event for the counselors, Outsiders, and all the teens in the center like yourself. Setting up the individual tents and all the entertainment was a group activity, and it was utterly satisfying to finally stand before the finished results.

"Now everyone go and have some fun!" Bart cut in when the counselor, Ed, opened his mouth to speak.

Ah lovebirds, you thought as you watched the way Ed's eyes glittered as Bart threw an arm over his shoulders.

You set your eyes back to the entertainment, walking through the booths you helped set up and listening to the music choice of each game. You come across a bumper car ride, and you watched some members of the Outsiders play around. One guy in particular looked half on the verge of misery. He was the only one in the bumper car. His name didn't jump out at you at first, but you wracked your brain to remember the boy who helped rescue you. Lightning bolt on a shirt.

The ride was over and they all exited the booth, the single guy taking his time and being left behind as the other couples chatted and walked ahead. He opened his mouth, but shut it as the distance between him and his friends grew. A sigh left his lips and his shoulders sagged as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked away from the booth. He must have been lost too deeply in thought, as the next second he was tripping over his shoelaces and falling forward, landing on his hands and knees on the dirt.

You rushed over and held your hand out for him, your figure casting a shadow over him. He looked up at you, then your hand, and accepted your help. As soon as his fingers brushed your palm, you felt a slight shock. "Sorry--I mean thanks! I should have tied my laces. I'm--" "Static. You were on the mission that I got rescued at, the one in Cuba. I wanted to say thank you." You cut him off.

"Oh.. I was going to say Virgil. You can call me Virgil." He dusted his hands and knees off awkwardly. "And it feels weird saying 'you're welcome' to that, but I appreciate your thanks, uh sorry, what's your name?"

"I'm Y/n," you said.

His eyes widen a bit, as if the puzzle piece in his mind has clicked. "Y/n," he repeats, and you'd both be lying if you said it didn't roll off his tongue nicely. "Well, Y/n. Thank you. It means a lot that you even know who I am." He cringes a bit at his words, but you only shake your head and chuckle.

"Want to grab some funnel cakes?" You nod over at the food court.

He smiles. "Sure."

You make a split second decision to be bold, grabbing his hand in yours and walking over to the line.

Virgil's heart stutters in his chest, and once again you feel a slight shock in your hand. "Huh, so that was you the first time." You raise an eyebrow, "What, do I make you nervous?"

He opens his mouth to speak, his left hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. "I, uh, maybe there's just a spark?"

You feel a warm flush over your face, a smile tugging at your lips as you let out a laugh. "That was very smooth."

Virgil perks up at your words, his posture straightening and hand a little tighter around yours. He seems to relax a bit as you make your way up to the booth with his hand still in yours and order for the both of you.

Virgil and you walk around, watching people play games, and escaping the heat of the sun under the shade of different booths while still enjoying the sugary funnel cake. It's fun. To hang out with him and share little fun facts about yourself. To learn that you both like the same musical artist and that there's something about a certain song on the new album that's got both of you happy and laughing to share personal interpretations.

He tosses out the paper plates and he turns back to face you, but all of a sudden you're close. So close that his breath hitches and his heart is beating faster again as you raise a napkin up to his face and wipe at the corner of his lips. He subconsciously holds his breath, watching your features up close as you blink at him with a sweet smile. Then you lean away again and toss the napkin into the garbage can.

"Sorry, you had some leftover sugar on your face." You smile so brightly at him that he feels he'll have diabetes by the end of the day.

Virgil can't take it anymore. He takes a step closer to you, and holds his hand out for you to take, which you do after sending him a look of confusion. "Y/n, I hope I'm not taking these signals wrong, because if I am, this is gonna be really awkward." He shudders and you let out a laugh before grabbing his other hand as well.

"No, I don't think you are, keep going."

"It's been really fun hanging out with you, and I was wondering if you wanted to get to know each other a little more? I don't know, maybe talk some more, hang out if you'd like?" His brown eyes look into yours hopefully.

You lean in closer to him, pretending to think about it. "Hm, I don't know. I don't usually do this, but I'll have to say yes just for you, Virgil."

He breathes out a sigh of relief, a goofy grin pulling at his lips until you see his teeth. "You're kind of mean to me, you know that?"

Scoffing, you roll your eyes at him, "Oh please, you like it."

He releases one of your hands, the other interlacing his fingers with yours. "Like I said, maybe there's a spark."


I thought this was kind of cute! We don't actually see much of Virgil if I'm gonna be honest, but I feel like it was worse for other characters too. Budget, time, and whatever else paid a factor, but I wish there was more team building and individual character too. Like they kind of just plopped a ton of characters down in S3+4 and just expected viewers to care about them. Anyways, I hope whoever is reading enjoyed this! Feel free to let me know and also what other characters you would like to see or plot points or whatever, my mind is open! Have a nice day!

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