«· Dating Superboy Would Include ·»

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·» Calming him down when he gets angry

·» Gentle kisses

·» Conner getting jealous easily

·» Making him smile and/or laugh

·» Sleeping late together during the weekend or free days

·» Kissing him before and after every mission

·» Nose to neck nuzzles

·» Cooking for him

·» Knowing when he needs some space and giving it to him

·» Grabbing his hands and rubbing your thumbs over his knuckles to calm him when he's angry and has his hand clenched in a fist

·» Conner kissing you when you feel insecure and telling you he loves you just how you are

·» Loving each other no matter what or who comes in the way

Hey people! I hope you enjoyed this chapter thing preference!

I noticed there were some people who voted on like every chapter, and I just wanted to say that it motivates me to keep writing, even if it's not that good....but thank you so much!! *throws frowny baby Conner at you* lol I would want him....and everyone else.... P.s. Gifs above are not mine.

-mgBookLover out

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