Together~Red Hood|Jason Todd

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Third and last part of Leaving!

C/n: Child's name


Third Person Point of View

~2 Years Later~

She let out a shaky breath, smiling weakly at the happy toddler playing in front of her.

The toddler turned towards her and grinned, making her eyes water as she looked at her child's features.

"Mumma" the little girl/boy giggled, raising a chubby hand in the air, motioning the woman over.

Y/n walked over and sat down on the ground, smiling as C/n grabbed her hand and began playing with her fingers.


Jason tapped his fingers against his thigh nervously.

He took a deep breath and ran a hand down his face, hating the fact that he had no courage to do what he wanted to do.

"Man just go, I'm getting nervous just looking at you" Roy sighed, looking at his best friend.

"Well what do I do? Just walk up there, 'Hey Y/n I know I left two years ago and broke your heart but I didn't mean it, take me back?'" Jason questioned sarcastically.

"Yeah, sure- go ahead. Bro just go before you change your mind" Roy spoke, shaking his head at Jason in disappointment.

Jason's eyes widened and he sat up straight.

"What?! No Roy I can't just go in there and say that! I need a speech to show her I really care and truly regret what I did.... I'm gonna have to tell her the truth" Jason sighed, cracking his fingers.

"Alright" Roy spoke, "Do what you have to do man, good luck".

Jason nodded in thanks and opened the car door, stepping out.

He closed the door and looked at her new home, a small yellow house with a home-y look to it.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, before walking towards it.

He went up the small steps and paused at the door, considering the thought of just leaving and never seeing Y/n again.

Before he could run and avoid this like a coward, he knocked.

His heart thumped loudly in his chest as he heard the sound of the knob turning.

He looked down at his shoes nervously, looking up when he heard her clear her throat.

Her eyes widened and he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"H-hey Y/n" Jason stuttered out, confusing her since Jason was always so blunt and she had never seen him nervous.

"Jason" she greeted gently, a confused look on her face.

"W-what are you doing here?".

"I-uh," Jason sighed, "I wanted to talk, make things right and uh, tell you the truth".

Y/n stared at him for a moment, her e/c eyes looking into his blue/green eyes.

Jason had already figured out what was gonna happen.

Just as he was about to apologize, she opened the door wider, motioning for him to enter the house.

He stood still for a moment, shocked that she was letting him in.

He gave her a small smile and stepped inside, looking around at the decorations of the house as she closed the door.

"I-uh, I thought you came because you had found out about.... uh C/n" she sighed, looking down with a look of regret.

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