«· Dating Nightwing Would Include ·»

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·» Staring at his butt (sorry couldn't help myself 😹)

·» Forehead kisses

·» Hugs

·» Cuddling and massaging him when he's stressed

·» Going out for dinner

·» Going home when the dinner date fails and cooking together

·» Making a mess in the kitchen

·» Waking up with his arm around your waist or his head on your chest

·» Trying to make him feel better when he's down and he doing the same for you

·» Slapping his butt
*smack* "Nice a.ss Grayson" and him winking back

·» Kissing

·» Staying up late, waiting for him to come home

·» Getting to know the team

·» Running your fingers through his long luscious black hair

·» Getting married and loving each other forever

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