«· Dating Batman Would Include ·»

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·» Dealing with his grumpiness

·» Going under his cape and hugging him from behind

·» Kissing his cheek

·» Kissing when no one is watching

·» Passionate kisses

·» Him biting your neck abruptly when you're alone surprising and marking you

·»^ Having love bites all over your neck and collar bones meaning you have to wear a scarf

·» Cuddling him

·» Sitting in his lap or in between his legs while watching movies

·» His children all running into the room and jumping on the couch with you, except Damian, he "doesn't" like you

·» You believing Damian hates you, but Bruce reassuring you that his son is conflicted with how to show emotions properly

·» Dick loving you, like he jumps to you whenever you come over, pulling you into a bone crushing hug and greeting you cheerfully

·» Bruce nuzzling his nose in your neck, planting small kisses all over just to hear you laugh

·» Him spending a lot of money on you and you scolding him for it

·» Making him pink or red cookies and cupcakes for Valentine's Day

·» Loving him and being worried when he goes out to fight crime

·» Staying up late, waiting for him to get back

·» Helping Alfred stitch him and the boys up

·» You making a big deal out of his birthday, meaning leaguers, cake, presents, and family!

·» Him pretending to hate them but secretly loving them since you worked so hard to plan it out

·» You being his light, one of his reasons to make it home alive [besides his children and Alfred]

·» You are a part of his big family, and they all love you, yes even Damian

·» You and Bruce getting married and living a happy life

Happy Birthday Bruce! Thank you all for reading, I am currently working on the late Valentine's Day Special, hopefully I can have it done and published today. Have a wonderful day, thank you so much for reading!

       -mgBookLover out!

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