First Fight~Kid Flash (Wally West)

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[F/c] is favorite color

[E/c] is eye color

*3rd Person Point of View

They looked at their boyfriend, who was flirting with a girl. It's okay, they thought, he's just a flirty person. But they started to feel uncomfortable when the girl started to lean in closer to him.

They shifted in their seat on the bar stool, their heart beating a million miles per second. No he would never do it, and even less in front of me, that's just dumb and not him, they thought to themselves as they took a sip of their drink.

The girl leaned in even closer and Y/n choked on their drink, catching their attention. "You okay?" Wally asked them, concern lacing his voice and filling his green eyes. 

They thought about it before shaking their head. They looked at him and realized he had already looked away from them and back to the other girl. Sighing they placed down some money and glanced at the bartender. He gave them a sad smile and nodded in a way that showed understanding. They gave a quick fake smile back and walked out of the club, into the cold night air. They walked, their shoes making a quiet sound against the floor every time they took a step. When they reached their apartment building they opened the entrance door and went up to the second floor. Stepping out of the elevator, they went to their apartment and opened the door immediately kicking off their shoes.

They frowned as they caught a glimpse of themselves in the mirror. All dressed up and your boyfriend is paying attention to a random woman, they thought. Their eyes watered and they rubbed them, forgetting about their eyeliner. When they remembered they stopped and slowly peeled their hands away from their eyes to see black eyeliner all around their eyes making them look like a racoon (no offense to the animal).

They sighed and black tears made their way down their face. They wiped them to the side of their face with their hands and quickly walked to the bathroom. They angrily wiped their makeup off and threw their uncomfortable tight clothes on the floor, getting comfortable into a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt.

They walked into the bedroom and got into bed, getting their phone to read a book. They curled up and pulled the blanket over their body to keep warm. They ignored the slight sting in her heart and the burning of tears waiting desperately to be let out of the cage in their eyes. But they refused to let the tears, the prisoners, escape their cell. Blinking the tears away, they put their phone aside and took out a notebook and a [f/c] pen.

They wrote in a clean page, the pen gliding smoothly over the paper. Wrote about their prisoners and their demons that they kept locked away, they wanted to keep it that way forever, only letting them escape when they wrote, the pen being the key. They then heard the front door open, slamming shut soon after. They clicked it off and hid the key, closing the notebook to place it under some stuff in their bedside drawer.

Their boyfriend stormed in the room with angry green eyes that held a little bit of something else that they could not detect. "When did you leave!?" They flinched as he shouted at them, opening their mouth to respond only for him to cut them  off. "I texted you! I even called! I was worried someone had taken you" he was frustrated, they could clearly see that as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I- I'm sorry" they put their head down in shame but continued nevertheless, "I... I was jealous! You just looked so- so interested and into that girl and I- you were ignoring me" they stuttered looking back up at him with big [e/c] eyes.

Wally's eyes soften and he sighed, running his hand down his face. "I'm sorry baby. She started talking to me so I talked back. I didn't realize that you were uncomfortable. I'm sorry" he told them, drooping his head down in shame. They sighed, "No, I'm sorry I walked out without letting you know". He pulled them off the bed and into a hug. "Shh, I'm sorry princess/prince. I was ignoring you, let me know if you ever  feel uncomfortable again and I'll stop".

They looked up at him with a smile and put their hands on either side of his face, pulling him in for a kiss. He kissed back sweetly while he put his hands on their hips. "I love you" he told them softly after they pulled away, kissing their forehead. They smiled in response and pulled him to the bed. It was a long night. Of cuddling.

I hope you liked it, hopefully, and I wish you a happy day. Thank you for reading!
                              -mgBookLover out...

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