·Dating Miss Martian Would Include·

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·Watching Hello Megan together

·Baking cookies

·Hanging out with Garfield

·Showing her new things, like ice cream
   "What is this, Y/n"
   "Just try it, it's good, I swear"
    "Oh my is the gosh! This is amazing!"
     Yep she still hasn't gotten the hang of earth phrases

·Helping her with her English
    "No Megan, it's oh my gosh, not 'oh my is the gosh"
    "Okay donkey"
     *facepalm and sigh* "It's okie dokie"

·Being jealous and unsure when Conner is around

·Getting annoyed at Wally and his constant flirting

·Glad that Megan doesn't really understand Wally is flirting

·Finding her innocence cute

·Loving her smile and laughter

·Holding hands most of the time

·Not much PDA

·Sweet and loving small pecks on the cheek

·Supporting each other through every thing and just being there for one another

·Loving each other endlessly no matter what

Aww! I really like this one although it's not really a chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it and thank you very much for reading!

Have a splendid day!
  -mgBookLover out! »·»·»·»·»·»·»·»·»

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