
378 4 1

I was tagged, by CherokeeWarrior . Thank you : )

·Your title has to be Lit
· You can't refuse
·This must be done within a week
·You have to tag 15 people
·No replying in the comments
·You have to state 13 facts about yourself


1~ I am currently into Supergirl and the Batfamily

2> I am re-watching Young Justice

3~ I am a female

4> I am learning how to play guitar

5~ I like chocolate chip cookies

6> ^ I am currently trying to stop eating cookies

7~ I used to say I liked Dick Grayson, but then I realized my personality was more Jason, Tim, and Damian... I still like Dick but I love them all, even Stephanie- she's my girlfriend.... :D

8> I like cats

9~ I like reading and writing

10> I wear glasses, and since I said this in one of the other tagged chapters, I'll add the fact that my glasses lenses have different amounts

12~ I don't watch tv, only Netflix and YouTube

11> You probably did not realize I skipped 11...

13~ I am a very socially awkward person, I tend to open up once I get to know the person, but occasionally stutter, and I always mess up names

I don't think I know 15 people, so sorry for breaking that rule :P

I tag:











I got 10....

-mgBookLover is now out ------»

Young Justice + Batfamily One Shots and ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now